

  • 200+ refereed publications, 8000+ citations, h-index >48
  • a full listing of publications can be found on ADS or on Google Scholar

The names of my (former) students and postdoc are highlighted in the list of publications.

Refereed Publications


[214] - First VLTI/GRAVITY Observations of HIP 65426 b: Evidence for a Low or Moderate Orbital Eccentricity
Blunt, Balmer, Wang, Lacour, Petrus, Bourdarot, Kammerer, Pourré, Rickman, Shangguan, Winterhalder, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Chavez, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Du Foresto, Cridland, Dembet, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Feuchtgruber, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jocou, Keppler, Kervella, Kreidberg, Lagrange, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mang, Marleau, Mérand, Mollière, Monnier, Mordasini, Mouillet, Nasedkin, Nowak, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Pueyo, Rameau, Rodet, Rustamkulov, Shimizu, Sing, Stolker, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, Yazici, Young, Exogravity Collaboration
2023, AJ, 166, 257 [ADS]
[213] - The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems V: Do Self-Consistent Atmospheric Models Represent JWST Spectra? A Showcase With VHS 1256 b
Petrus, Whiteford, Patapis, Biller, Skemer, Hinkley, Suárez, Lueber, Palma-Bifani, Stone, Vos, Morley, Tremblin, Charnay, Helling, Miles, Carter, Wang, Janson, Gonzales, Sutlieff, Hoch, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Absil, Balmer, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Booth, Bowler, Briesemeister, Bryan, Calissendorff, Cantalloube, Chen, Choquet, Christiaens, Cugno, Currie, Danielski, De Furio, Dupuy, Factor, Faherty, Fitzgerald, Fortney, Franson, Girard, Grady, Henning, Hines, Hood, Howe, Kalas, Kammerer, Kennedy, Kenworthy, Kervella, Kim, Kitzmann, Kraus, Kuzuhara, Lagage, Lagrange, Lawson, Lazzoni, Leisenring, Lew, Liu, Liu, Llop-Sayson, Lloyd, Macintosh, Mâlin, Manjavacas, Marino, Marley, Marois, Martinez, Matthews, Matthews, Mawet, Mazoyer, McElwain, Metchev, Meyer, Millar-Blanchaer, Mollière, Moran, Mukherjee, Pantin, Perrin, Pueyo, Quanz, Quirrenbach, Ray, Rebollido, Adams Redai, Ren, Rickman, Sallum, Samland, Sargent, Schlieder, Stapelfeldt, Tamura, Tan, Theissen, Uyama, Vasist, Vigan, Wagner, Ward-Duong, Wolff, Worthen, Wyatt, Ygouf, Zhang, Zhang, Zhan, Zhou
2023, arXiv, 2312.03852 [ADS]
[212] - $\beta$ Pictoris b through the eyes of the upgraded CRIRES+
Landman, Stolker, Snellen, Costes, de Regt, Zhang, Gandhi, Mollière, Kesseli, Vigan, Sánchez-López
2023, arXiv, 2311.13527 [ADS]
[211] - Multiples among B stars in the Scorpius-Centaurus association
Gratton, Squicciarini, Nascimbeni, Janson, Reffert, Meyer, Delorme, Mamajek, Bonavita, Desidera, Mesa, Rigliaco, D'Orazi, Vigan, Lazzoni, Chauvin, Langlois
2023, A&A, 678, A93 [ADS, 1 citation]
[210] - The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems IV: NIRISS Aperture Masking Interferometry Performance and Lessons Learned
Sallum, Ray, Kammerer, Sivaramakrishnan, Cooper, Greebaum, Thatte, de Furio, Factor, Meyer, Stone, Carter, Biller, Hinkley, Skemer, Suarez, Leisenring, Perrin, Kraus, Absil, Balmer, Bonnefoy, Bryan, Betti, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Booth, Bowler, Briesemeister, Cantalloube, Chauvin, Christiaens, Cugno, Currie, Danielski, Dupuy, Faherty, Chen, Calissendorff, Choquet, Fitzgerald, Fortney, Franson, Girard, Grady, Gonzales, Henning, Hines, Hoch, Hood, Howe, Janson, Kalas, Kennedy, Kenworthy, Kervella, Kitzmann, Kuzuhara, Lagrange, Lagage, Lawson, Lazzoni, Lew, Liu, Liu, Llop-Sayson, Lloyd, Lueber, Macintosh, Manjavacas, Marino, Marley, Marois, Martinez, Matthews, Matthews, Mawet, Mazoyer, McElwain, Metchev, Miles, Millar-Blanchaer, Molliere, Moran, Morley, Mukherjee, Palma-Bifani, Pantin, Patapis, Petrus, Pueyo, Quanz, Quirrenbach, Rebollido, Adams Redai, Ren, Rickman, Samland, Sargent, Schlieder, Schneider, Stapelfeldt, Sutlieff, Tamura, Tan, Theissen, Uyama, Vigan, Vasist, Vos, Wagner, Wang, Ward-Duong, Whiteford, Wolff, Worthen, Wyatt, Ygouf, Zhang, Zhang, Zhang, Zhou
2023, arXiv, 2310.11499 [ADS, 1 citation]
[209] - Planetary system architectures with low-mass inner planets: Direct imaging exploration of mature systems beyond 1 au
Desgrange, Milli, Chauvin, Henning, Luashvili, Read, Wyatt, Kennedy, Burn, Schlecker, Kiefer, D'Orazi, Messina, Rubini, Lagrange, Babusiaux, Matra, Bitsch, Bonavita, Delorme, Matthews, Palma-Bifani, Vigan
2023, arXiv, 2310.06035 [ADS]
[208] - Impacts of high-contrast image processing on atmospheric retrievals
Nasedkin, Mollière, Wang, Cantalloube, Kreidberg, Pueyo, Stolker, Vigan
2023, A&A, 678, A41 [ADS, 2 citations]
[207] - VLTI/GRAVITY Observations and Characterization of the Brown Dwarf Companion HD 72946 B
Balmer, Pueyo, Stolker, Reggiani, Maire, Lacour, Mollière, Nowak, Sing, Pourré, Blunt, Wang, Rickman, Kammerer, Henning, Ward-Duong, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Bourdarot, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Chavez, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé Du Foresto, Cridland, Dembet, Dexter, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jocou, Keppler, Kervella, Kreidberg, Lagrange, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Monnier, Mouillet, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Rameau, Rodet, Rousset, Rustamkulov, Shangguan, Shimizu, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Winterhalder, Woillez, Yazici, Young, Gravity Collaboration
2023, ApJ, 956, 99 [ADS, 1 citation]
[206] - The \textit{JWST} Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems III: Aperture Masking Interferometric Observations of the star HIP\,65426 at $\boldsymbol{3.8\,\rm{\mu m}}$
Ray, Sallum, Hinkley, Sivamarakrishnan, Cooper, Kammerer, Greebaum, Thatte, Lazzoni, Tokovinin, de Furio, Factor, Meyer, Stone, Carter, Biller, Skemer, Suarez, Leisenring, Perrin, Kraus, Absil, Balmer, Bonnefoy, Bryan, Betti, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Booth, Bowler, Briesemeister, Cantalloube, Chauvin, Christiaens, Cugno, Currie, Danielski, Dupuy, Faherty, Chen, Calissendorff, Choquet, Fitzgerald, Fortney, Franson, Girard, Grady, Gonzales, Henning, Hines, Hoch, Hood, Howe, Janson, Kalas, Kennedy, Kenworthy, Kervella, Kitzmann, Kuzuhara, Lagrange, Lagage, Lawson, Lew, Liu, Liu, Llop-Sayson, Lloyd, Lueber, Macintosh, Manjavacas, Marino, Marley, Marois, Martinez, Matthews, Matthews, Mawet, Mazoyer, McElwain, Metchev, Miles, Millar-Blanchaer, Molliere, Moran, Morley, Mukherjee, Palma-Bifani, Pantin, Patapis, Petrus, Pueyo, Quanz, Quirrenbach, Rebollido, Adams Redai, Ren, Rickman, Samland, Sargent, Schlieder, Schneider, Stapelfeldt, Sutlieff, Tamura, Tan, Theissen, Uyama, Vigan, Vasist, Vos, Wagner, Wang, Ward-Duong, Whiteford, Wolff, Worthen, Wyatt, Ygouf, Zhang, Zhang, Zhang, Zhou
2023, arXiv, 2310.11508 [ADS, 1 citation]
[205] - An inner warp discovered in the disk around HD 110058 using VLT/SPHERE and HST/STIS
Stasevic, Milli, Mazoyer, Lagrange, Bonnefoy, Faramaz-Gorka, Ménard, Boccaletti, Choquet, Shuai, Olofsson, Chomez, Ren, Rubini, Desgrange, Gratton, Chauvin, Vigan, Matthews
2023, A&A, 678, A8 [ADS, 1 citation]
[204] - First light of VLT/HiRISE: High-resolution spectroscopy of young giant exoplanets
Vigan, El Morsy, Lopez, Otten, Garcia, Costes, Muslimov, Viret, Charles, Zins, Murray, Costille, Paufique, Seemann, Houllé, Anwand-Heerwart, Phillips, Abinanti, Balard, Baraffe, Benedetti, Blanchard, Blanco, Beuzit, Choquet, Cristofari, Desidera, Dohlen, Dorn, Ely, Fuenteseca, Garcia, Jaquet, Jaubert, Kasper, Le Merrer, Maire, N'Diaye, Pallanca, Popovic, Pourcelot, Reiners, Rochat, Sehim, Schmutzer, Smette, Tchoubaklian, Tomlinson, Valenzuela Soto
2023, arXiv, 2309.12390 [ADS, 2 citations]
[203] - Exoplanet imaging with ELTs: exploring a second-stage AO with a Zernike wavefront sensor on the ESO/GHOST testbed
N'Diaye, Vigan, Engler, Kasper, Leveratto, Floriot, Marcos, Bailet, Dohlen
2023, arXiv, 2309.10465 [ADS]
[202] - Dynamical detection of a companion driving a spiral arm in a protoplanetary disk
Xie, Ren, Dong, Choquet, Vigan, Gonzalez, Wagner, Fang, Ubeira-Gabellini
2023, A&A, 675, L1 [ADS, 4 citations]
[201] - The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems I: High-contrast Imaging of the Exoplanet HIP 65426 b from 2 to 16 μm
Carter, Hinkley, Kammerer, Skemer, Biller, Leisenring, Millar-Blanchaer, Petrus, Stone, Ward-Duong, Wang, Girard, Hines, Perrin, Pueyo, Balmer, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Danielski, Kennedy, Matthews, Miles, Patapis, Ray, Rickman, Sallum, Stapelfeldt, Whiteford, Zhou, Absil, Boccaletti, Booth, Bowler, Chen, Currie, Fortney, Grady, Greebaum, Henning, Hoch, Janson, Kalas, Kenworthy, Kervella, Kraus, Lagage, Liu, Macintosh, Marino, Marley, Marois, Matthews, Mawet, McElwain, Metchev, Meyer, Molliere, Moran, Morley, Mukherjee, Pantin, Quirrenbach, Rebollido, Ren, Schneider, Vasist, Worthen, Wyatt, Briesemeister, Bryan, Calissendorff, Cantalloube, Cugno, De Furio, Dupuy, Factor, Faherty, Fitzgerald, Franson, Gonzales, Hood, Howe, Kuzuhara, Lagrange, Lawson, Lazzoni, Lew, Liu, Llop-Sayson, Lloyd, Martinez, Mazoyer, Palma-Bifani, Quanz, Redai, Samland, Schlieder, Tamura, Tan, Uyama, Vigan, Vos, Wagner, Wolff, Ygouf, Zhang, Zhang, Zhang
2023, ApJ, 951, L20 [ADS, 28 citations]
[200] - BEAST detection of a brown dwarf and a low-mass stellar companion around the young bright B star HIP 81208
Viswanath, Janson, Gratton, Squicciarini, Rodet, Ringqvist, Mamajek, Reffert, Chauvin, Delorme, Vigan, Bonnefoy, Engler, Desidera, Henning, Hagelberg, Langlois, Meyer
2023, A&A, 675, A54 [ADS, 2 citations]
[199] - Revisiting the atmosphere of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b with VLT/SPHERE
Brown-Sevilla, Maire, Mollière, Samland, Feldt, Brandner, Henning, Gratton, Janson, Stolker, Hagelberg, Zurlo, Cantalloube, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Desidera, D'Orazi, Lagrange, Langlois, Menard, Mesa, Meyer, Pavlov, Petit, Rochat, Rouan, Schmidt, Vigan, Weber
2023, A&A, 673, A98 [ADS, 9 citations]
[198] - The high-albedo, low polarization disk around HD 114082 that harbors a Jupiter-sized transiting planet. Constraints from VLT/SPHERE completed with TESS, Gaia, and radial velocities
Engler, Milli, Gratton, Ulmer-Moll, Vigan, Lagrange, Kiefer, Rubini, Grandjean, Schmid, Messina, Squicciarini, Olofsson, Thébault, van Holstein, Janson, Ménard, Marshall, Chauvin, Lendl, Bhowmik, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, del Burgo, Choquet, Desidera, Feldt, Fusco, Girard, Gisler, Hagelberg, Langlois, Maire, Mesa, Meyer, Rabou, Rodet, Schmidt, Zurlo
2023, A&A, 672, A1 [ADS, 7 citations]
[197] - Low-order wavefront control using a Zernike sensor through Lyot coronagraphs for exoplanet imaging. II. Concurrent operation with stroke minimization
Pourcelot, Por, N'Diaye, Benard, Brady, Canas, Carbillet, Dohlen, Laginja, Lugten, Noss, Perrin, Petrone, Pueyo, Redmond, Sahoo, Vigan, Will, Soummer
2023, A&A, 672, A73 [ADS, 1 citation]
[196] - The JWST Early-release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems II: A 1 to 20 μm Spectrum of the Planetary-mass Companion VHS 1256-1257 b
Miles, Biller, Patapis, Worthen, Rickman, Hoch, Skemer, Perrin, Whiteford, Chen, Sargent, Mukherjee, Morley, Moran, Bonnefoy, Petrus, Carter, Choquet, Hinkley, Ward-Duong, Leisenring, Millar-Blanchaer, Pueyo, Ray, Sallum, Stapelfeldt, Stone, Wang, Absil, Balmer, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Booth, Bowler, Chauvin, Christiaens, Currie, Danielski, Fortney, Girard, Grady, Greenbaum, Henning, Hines, Janson, Kalas, Kammerer, Kennedy, Kenworthy, Kervella, Lagage, Lew, Liu, Macintosh, Marino, Marley, Marois, Matthews, Matthews, Mawet, McElwain, Metchev, Meyer, Molliere, Pantin, Quirrenbach, Rebollido, Ren, Schneider, Vasist, Wyatt, Zhou, Briesemeister, Bryan, Calissendorff, Cantalloube, Cugno, De Furio, Dupuy, Factor, Faherty, Fitzgerald, Franson, Gonzales, Hood, Howe, Kraus, Kuzuhara, Lagrange, Lawson, Lazzoni, Liu, Llop-Sayson, Lloyd, Martinez, Mazoyer, Quanz, Redai, Samland, Schlieder, Tamura, Tan, Uyama, Vigan, Vos, Wagner, Wolff, Ygouf, Zhang, Zhang, Zhang
2023, ApJ, 946, L6 [ADS, 45 citations]
[195] - Direct discovery of the inner exoplanet in the HD 206893 system. Evidence for deuterium burning in a planetary-mass companion
Hinkley, Lacour, Marleau, Lagrange, Wang, Kammerer, Cumming, Nowak, Rodet, Stolker, Balmer, Ray, Bonnefoy, Mollière, Lazzoni, Kennedy, Mordasini, Abuter, Aigrain, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Babusiaux, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bonnet, Bourdarot, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Chomez, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé du Foresto, Cridland, Delorme, Dembet, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Feuchtgruber, Galland, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gardner, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Grandjean, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jocou, Keppler, Kervella, Kreidberg, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mang, Mérand, Meunier, Monnier, Mouillet, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Philipot, Pfuhl, Pourré, Pueyo, Rameau, Rickman, Rubini, Rustamkulov, Samland, Shangguan, Shimizu, Sing, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, Yazici, Young, Zicher
2023, A&A, 671, L5 [ADS, 23 citations]
[194] - Peering into the young planetary system AB Pic. Atmosphere, orbit, obliquity, and second planetary candidate
Palma-Bifani, Chauvin, Bonnefoy, Rojo, Petrus, Rodet, Langlois, Allard, Charnay, Desgrange, Homeier, Lagrange, Beuzit, Baudoz, Boccaletti, Chomez, Delorme, Desidera, Feldt, Ginski, Gratton, Maire, Meyer, Samland, Snellen, Vigan, Zhang
2023, A&A, 670, A90 [ADS, 6 citations]


[193] - Spectral cube extraction for the VLT/SPHERE IFS. Open-source pipeline with full forward modeling and improved sensitivity
Samland, Brandt, Milli, Delorme, Vigan
2022, A&A, 668, A84 [ADS, 2 citations]
[192] - Validation of strategies for coupling exoplanet PSFs into single-mode fibres for high-dispersion coronagraphy
El Morsy, Vigan, Lopez, Otten, Choquet, Madec, Costille, Sauvage, Dohlen, Muslimov, Pourcelot, Floriot, Benedetti, Blanchard, Balard, Murray
2022, A&A, 667, A171 [ADS, 5 citations]
[191] - Updated orbital monitoring and dynamical masses for nearby M-dwarf binaries
Calissendorff, Janson, Rodet, Köhler, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Brown-Sevilla, Chauvin, Delorme, Desidera, Durkan, Fontanive, Gratton, Hagelberg, Henning, Hippler, Lagrange, Langlois, Lazzoni, Maire, Messina, Meyer, Möller-Nilsson, Rabus, Schlieder, Vigan, Wahhaj, Wildi, Zurlo
2022, A&A, 666, A16 [ADS, 2 citations]
[190] - Reference-star differential imaging on SPHERE/IRDIS
Xie, Choquet, Vigan, Cantalloube, Benisty, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Desgrange, Garufi, Girard, Hagelberg, Janson, Kenworthy, Lagrange, Langlois, Menard, Zurlo
2022, A&A, 666, A32 [ADS, 10 citations]
[189] - Orbital and dynamical analysis of the system around HR 8799. New astrometric epochs from VLT/SPHERE and LBT/LUCI
Zurlo, Goździewski, Lazzoni, Mesa, Nogueira, Desidera, Gratton, Marzari, Langlois, Pinna, Chauvin, Delorme, Girard, Hagelberg, Henning, Janson, Rickman, Kervella, Avenhaus, Bhowmik, Biller, Boccaletti, Bonaglia, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Cantalloube, Cheetham, Claudi, D'Orazi, Feldt, Galicher, Ghose, Lagrange, le Coroller, Ligi, Kasper, Maire, Medard, Meyer, Peretti, Perrot, Puglisi, Rossi, Rothberg, Schmidt, Sissa, Vigan, Wahhaj
2022, A&A, 666, A133 [ADS, 11 citations]
[188] - A Clear View of a Cloudy Brown Dwarf Companion from High-resolution Spectroscopy
Xuan, Wang, Ruffio, Knutson, Mawet, Mollière, Kolecki, Vigan, Mukherjee, Wallack, Wang, Baker, Bartos, Blake, Bond, Bryan, Calvin, Cetre, Chun, Delorme, Doppmann, Echeverri, Finnerty, Fitzgerald, Horstman, Inglis, Jovanovic, López, Martin, Morris, Pezzato, Ragland, Ren, Ruane, Sappey, Schofield, Skemer, Venenciano, Wallace, Wizinowich
2022, ApJ, 937, 54 [ADS, 20 citations]
[187] - Constraining masses and separations of unseen companions to five accelerating nearby stars
Mesa, Bonavita, Benatti, Gratton, Marino, Kervella, D'Orazi, Desidera, Henning, Janson, Langlois, Rickman, Vigan, Zurlo, Baudino, Biller, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Buenzli, Cantalloube, Fantinel, Fontanive, Galicher, Ginski, Girard, Hagelberg, Kopytova, Lagrange, Lazzoni, Le Coroller, Ligi, Llored, Maire, Mouillet, Perrot, Rochat, Romero, Rouan, Samland, Schmidt, Sissa, Wildi
2022, A&A, 665, A73 [ADS, 3 citations]
[186] - A scaled-up planetary system around a supernova progenitor
Squicciarini, Gratton, Janson, Mamajek, Chauvin, Delorme, Langlois, Vigan, Ringqvist, Meeus, Reffert, Kenworthy, Meyer, Bonnefoy, Bonavita, Mesa, Samland, Desidera, D'Orazi, Engler, Alecian, Miglio, Henning, Quanz, Mayer, Flasseur, Marleau
2022, A&A, 664, A9 [ADS, 13 citations]
[185] - In-depth direct imaging and spectroscopic characterization of the young Solar System analog HD 95086
Desgrange, Chauvin, Christiaens, Cantalloube, Lefranc, Le Coroller, Rubini, Otten, Beust, Bonavita, Delorme, Devinat, Gratton, Lagrange, Langlois, Mesa, Milli, Szulágyi, Nowak, Rodet, Rojo, Petrus, Janson, Henning, Kral, van Holstein, Ménard, Beuzit, Biller, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Brown, Costille, Delboulbe, Desidera, D'Orazi, Feldt, Fusco, Galicher, Hagelberg, Lazzoni, Ligi, Maire, Messina, Meyer, Potier, Ramos, Rouan, Schmidt, Vigan, Zurlo
2022, A&A, 664, A139 [ADS, 10 citations]
[184] - Low-order wavefront control using a Zernike sensor through Lyot coronagraphs for exoplanet imaging. Blind stabilization of an image dark hole
Pourcelot, N'Diaye, Por, Laginja, Carbillet, Benard, Brady, Canas, Dohlen, Fowler, Lai, Maclay, McChesney, Noss, Perrin, Petrone, Pueyo, Redmond, Sahoo, Vigan, Will, Soummer
2022, A&A, 663, A49 [ADS, 2 citations]
[183] - New binaries from the SHINE survey
Bonavita, Gratton, Desidera, Squicciarini, D'Orazi, Zurlo, Biller, Chauvin, Fontanive, Janson, Messina, Menard, Meyer, Vigan, Avenhaus, Asensio Torres, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Cantalloube, Cheetham, Cudel, Daemgen, Delorme, Desgrange, Dominik, Engler, Feautrier, Feldt, Galicher, Garufi, Gasparri, Ginski, Girard, Grandjean, Hagelberg, Henning, Hunziker, Kasper, Keppler, Lagadec, Lagrange, Langlois, Lannier, Lazzoni, Le Coroller, Ligi, Lombart, Maire, Mazevet, Mesa, Mouillet, Moutou, Müller, Peretti, Perrot, Petrus, Potier, Ramos, Rickman, Rouan, Salter, Samland, Schmidt, Sissa, Stolker, Szulágyi, Turatto, Udry, Wildi
2022, A&A, 663, A144 [ADS, 19 citations]
[182] - M-type (22) Kalliope: A tiny Mercury
Ferrais, Jorda, Vernazza, Carry, Brož, Rambaux, Hanuš, Dudziński, Bartczak, Vachier, Aristidi, Beck, Marchis, Marsset, Viikinkoski, Fetick, Drouard, Fusco, Birlan, Podlewska-Gaca, Burbine, Dyar, Bendjoya, Benkhaldoun, Berthier, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Dumas, Ďurech, Fauvaud, Grice, Jehin, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Prieur, Reddy, Rivet, Santana-Ros, Scardia, Tanga, Vigan, Witasse, Yang
2022, A&A, 662, A71 [ADS, 5 citations]
[181] - An extended scattered light disk around AT Pyx. Possible planet formation in a cometary globule
Ginski, Gratton, Bohn, Dominik, Jorquera, Chauvin, Milli, Rodriguez, Benisty, Launhardt, Müller, Cugno, van Holstein, Boccaletti, Muro-Arena, Desidera, Keppler, Zurlo, Sissa, Henning, Janson, Langlois, Bonnefoy, Cantalloube, D'Orazi, Feldt, Hagelberg, Ségransan, Lagrange, Lazzoni, Meyer, Romero, Schmidt, Vigan, Petit, Roelfsema, Pragt, Weber
2022, A&A, 662, A74 [ADS, 5 citations]
[180] - Two Rings and a Marginally Resolved, 5 au Disk around LkCa 15 Identified via Near-infrared Sparse Aperture Masking Interferometry
Blakely, Francis, Johnstone, Soulain, Tuthill, Cheetham, Sanchez-Bermudez, Sivaramakrishnan, Dong, van der Marel, Cooper, Vigan, Cantalloube
2022, ApJ, 931, 3 [ADS, 10 citations]
[179] - Calibration of quasi-static aberrations in exoplanet direct-imaging instruments with a Zernike phase-mask sensor. IV. Temporal stability of non-common path aberrations in VLT/SPHERE
Vigan, Dohlen, N'Diaye, Cantalloube, Girard, Milli, Sauvage, Wahhaj, Zins, Beuzit, Caillat, Costille, Le Merrer, Mouillet, Tourenq
2022, A&A, 660, A140 [ADS, 8 citations]
[178] - A SPHERE survey of self-shadowed planet-forming disks
Garufi, Dominik, Ginski, Benisty, van Holstein, Henning, Pawellek, Pinte, Avenhaus, Facchini, Galicher, Gratton, Ménard, Muro-Arena, Milli, Stolker, Vigan, Villenave, Moulin, Origne, Rigal, Sauvage, Weber
2022, A&A, 658, A137 [ADS, 25 citations]
[177] - Dynamical masses for two M1 + mid-M dwarf binaries monitored during the SPHERE-SHINE survey
Biller, Grandjean, Messina, Desidera, Delorme, Lagrange, Hambsch, Mesa, Janson, Gratton, D'Orazi, Langlois, Maire, Schlieder, Henning, Zurlo, Hagelberg, Brown-Sevilla, Romero, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Feldt, Meyer, Vigan, Pavlov, Soenke, LeMignant, Roux
2022, A&A, 658, A145 [ADS, 10 citations]
[176] - Signs of late infall and possible planet formation around DR Tau using VLT/SPHERE and LBTI/LMIRCam
Mesa, Ginski, Gratton, Ertel, Wagner, Bonavita, Fedele, Meyer, Henning, Langlois, Garufi, Antoniucci, Claudi, Defrère, Desidera, Janson, Pawellek, Rigliaco, Squicciarini, Zurlo, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Cantalloube, Chauvin, Feldt, Hagelberg, Hugot, Lagrange, Lazzoni, Maurel, Perrot, Petit, Rouan, Vigan
2022, A&A, 658, A63 [ADS, 7 citations]


[175] - A wide-orbit giant planet in the high-mass b Centauri binary system
Janson, Gratton, Rodet, Vigan, Bonnefoy, Delorme, Mamajek, Reffert, Stock, Marleau, Langlois, Chauvin, Desidera, Ringqvist, Mayer, Viswanath, Squicciarini, Meyer, Samland, Petrus, Helled, Kenworthy, Quanz, Biller, Henning, Mesa, Engler, Carson
2021, Nature, 600, 231 [ADS, 23 citations]
[174] - Narrow belt of debris around the Sco-Cen star HD 141011
Bonnefoy, Milli, Menard, Delorme, Chomez, Bonavita, Lagrange, Vigan, Augereau, Beuzit, Biller, Boccaletti, Chauvin, Desidera, Faramaz, Galicher, Gratton, Hinkley, Lazzoni, Matthews, Mesa, Mordasini, Mouillet, Olofsson, Pinte
2021, A&A, 655, A62 [ADS, 3 citations]
[173] - VLT/SPHERE imaging survey of the largest main-belt asteroids: Final results and synthesis
Vernazza, Ferrais, Jorda, Hanuš, Carry, Marsset, Brož, Fetick, Viikinkoski, Marchis, Vachier, Drouard, Fusco, Birlan, Podlewska-Gaca, Rambaux, Neveu, Bartczak, Dudziński, Jehin, Beck, Berthier, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Dumas, Ďurech, Grice, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vigan, Witasse, Yang, Antonini, Audejean, Aurard, Behrend, Benkhaldoun, Bosch, Chapman, Dalmon, Fauvaud, Hamanowa, Hamanowa, His, Jones, Kim, Kim, Krajewski, Labrevoir, Leroy, Livet, Molina, Montaigut, Oey, Payre, Reddy, Sabin, Sanchez, Socha
2021, A&A, 654, A56 [ADS, 45 citations]
[172] - The mass of β Pictoris c from β Pictoris b orbital motion
Lacour, Wang, Rodet, Nowak, Shangguan, Beust, Lagrange, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Benisty, Berger, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bolzer, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Bourdarot, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé Du Foresto, Cridland, Dembet, Dexter, de Zeeuw, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jocou, Kammerer, Keppler, Kervella, Kreidberg, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mérand, Mollière, Monnier, Mouillet, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Rickman, Pueyo, Rameau, Rousset, Rustamkulov, Samland, Shimizu, Sing, Stadler, Stolker, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, Yazici, Young, Gravity Collaboration
2021, A&A, 654, L2 [ADS, 28 citations]
[171] - Revealing asymmetrical dust distribution in the inner regions of HD 141569
Singh, Bhowmik, Boccaletti, Thébault, Kral, Milli, Mazoyer, Pantin, van Holstein, Olofsson, Boukrouche, Di Folco, Janson, Langlois, Maire, Vigan, Benisty, Augereau, Perrot, Gratton, Henning, Ménard, Rickman, Wahhaj, Zurlo, Biller, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Delorme, Desidera, D'Orazi, Feldt, Hagelberg, Keppler, Kopytova, Lagadec, Lagrange, Mesa, Meyer, Rouan, Sissa, Schmidt, Jaquet, Fusco, Pavlov, Rabou
2021, A&A, 653, A79 [ADS, 5 citations]
[170] - (216) Kleopatra, a low density critically rotating M-type asteroid
Marchis, Jorda, Vernazza, Brož, Hanuš, Ferrais, Vachier, Rambaux, Marsset, Viikinkoski, Jehin, Benseguane, Podlewska-Gaca, Carry, Drouard, Fauvaud, Birlan, Berthier, Bartczak, Dumas, Dudziński, Ďurech, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Fetick, Fusco, Grice, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Pajuelo, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vigan, Witasse, Yang
2021, A&A, 653, A57 [ADS, 20 citations]
[169] - An advanced multipole model for (216) Kleopatra triple system
Brož, Marchis, Jorda, Hanuš, Vernazza, Ferrais, Vachier, Rambaux, Marsset, Viikinkoski, Jehin, Benseguane, Podlewska-Gaca, Carry, Drouard, Fauvaud, Birlan, Berthier, Bartczak, Dumas, Dudziński, Ďurech, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Fetick, Fusco, Grice, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Pajuelo, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vigan, Vokrouhlický, Witasse, Yang
2021, A&A, 653, A56 [ADS, 11 citations]
[168] - Direct imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets with the ELT/HARMONI high-contrast module
Houllé, Vigan, Carlotti, Choquet, Cantalloube, Phillips, Sauvage, Schwartz, Otten, Baraffe, Emsenhuber, Mordasini
2021, A&A, 652, A67 [ADS, 20 citations]
[167] - Investigating point sources in MWC 758 with SPHERE
Boccaletti, Pantin, Ménard, Galicher, Langlois, Benisty, Gratton, Chauvin, Ginski, Lagrange, Zurlo, Biller, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Brown-Sevilla, Cantalloube, Desidera, D'Orazi, Feldt, Hagelberg, Lazzoni, Mesa, Meyer, Perrot, Vigan, Sauvage, Ramos, Rousset, Magnard
2021, A&A, 652, L8 [ADS, 10 citations]
[166] - GRAVITY K-band spectroscopy of HD 206893 B. Brown dwarf or exoplanet
Kammerer, Lacour, Stolker, Mollière, Sing, Nasedkin, Kervella, Wang, Ward-Duong, Nowak, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Bauböck, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bolzer, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé du Foresto, Cridland, Dembet, Dexter, de Zeeuw, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jocou, Keppler, Kreidberg, Lagrange, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mérand, Monnier, Mouillet, Müller, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Pueyo, Rameau, Rodet, Rousset, Rustamkulov, Shangguan, Shimizu, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, Yazici
2021, A&A, 652, A57 [ADS, 11 citations]
[165] - The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). I. Sample definition and target characterization
Desidera, Chauvin, Bonavita, Messina, LeCoroller, Schmidt, Gratton, Lazzoni, Meyer, Schlieder, Cheetham, Hagelberg, Bonnefoy, Feldt, Lagrange, Langlois, Vigan, Tan, Hambsch, Millward, Alcalá, Benatti, Brandner, Carson, Covino, Delorme, D'Orazi, Janson, Rigliaco, Beuzit, Biller, Boccaletti, Dominik, Cantalloube, Fontanive, Galicher, Henning, Lagadec, Ligi, Maire, Menard, Mesa, Müller, Samland, Schmid, Sissa, Turatto, Udry, Zurlo, Asensio-Torres, Kopytova, Rickman, Abe, Antichi, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Baudrand, Blanchard, Bazzon, Buey, Carbillet, Carle, Charton, Cascone, Claudi, Costille, Deboulbé, De Caprio, Dohlen, Fantinel, Feautrier, Fusco, Gigan, Giro, Gisler, Gluck, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Kasper, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Maurel, Le Mignant, Möller-Nilsson, Llored, Moulin, Origné, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Puget, Rabou, Ramos, Rigal, Rochat, Roelfsema, Rousset, Roux, Salasnich, Sauvage, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Weber, Wildi
2021, A&A, 651, A70 [ADS, 44 citations]
[164] - Lessons learned from SPHERE for the astrometric strategy of the next generation of exoplanet imaging instruments
Maire, Langlois, Delorme, Chauvin, Gratton, Vigan, Girard, Wahhaj, Pott, Burtscher, Boccaletti, Carlotti, Henning, Kenworthy, Kervella, Rickman, Schmidt
2021, JATIS, 7, 035004 [ADS, 13 citations]
[163] - The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). III. The demographics of young giant exoplanets below 300 au with SPHERE
Vigan, Fontanive, Meyer, Biller, Bonavita, Feldt, Desidera, Marleau, Emsenhuber, Galicher, Rice, Forgan, Mordasini, Gratton, Le Coroller, Maire, Cantalloube, Chauvin, Cheetham, Hagelberg, Lagrange, Langlois, Bonnefoy, Beuzit, Boccaletti, D'Orazi, Delorme, Dominik, Henning, Janson, Lagadec, Lazzoni, Ligi, Menard, Mesa, Messina, Moutou, Müller, Perrot, Samland, Schmid, Schmidt, Sissa, Turatto, Udry, Zurlo, Abe, Antichi, Asensio-Torres, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Baudrand, Bazzon, Blanchard, Bohn, Brown Sevilla, Carbillet, Carle, Cascone, Charton, Claudi, Costille, De Caprio, Delboulbé, Dohlen, Engler, Fantinel, Feautrier, Fusco, Gigan, Girard, Giro, Gisler, Gluck, Gry, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Kasper, Le Mignant, Llored, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Maurel, Möller-Nilsson, Mouillet, Moulin, Origné, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Puget, Rabou, Ramos, Rickman, Rigal, Rochat, Roelfsema, Rousset, Roux, Salasnich, Sauvage, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Wahhaj, Weber, Wildi
2021, A&A, 651, A72 [ADS, 146 citations]
[162] - The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). II. Observations, data reduction and analysis, detection performances, and initial results
Langlois, Gratton, Lagrange, Delorme, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Maire, Mesa, Chauvin, Desidera, Vigan, Cheetham, Hagelberg, Feldt, Meyer, Rubini, Le Coroller, Cantalloube, Biller, Bonavita, Bhowmik, Brandner, Daemgen, D'Orazi, Flasseur, Fontanive, Galicher, Girard, Janin-Potiron, Janson, Keppler, Kopytova, Lagadec, Lannier, Lazzoni, Ligi, Meunier, Perreti, Perrot, Rodet, Romero, Rouan, Samland, Salter, Sissa, Schmidt, Zurlo, Mouillet, Denis, Thiébaut, Milli, Wahhaj, Beuzit, Dominik, Henning, Ménard, Müller, Schmid, Turatto, Udry, Abe, Antichi, Allard, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Baudrand, Bazzon, Blanchard, Carbillet, Carle, Cascone, Charton, Claudi, Costille, De Caprio, Delboulbé, Dohlen, Fantinel, Feautrier, Fusco, Gigan, Giro, Gisler, Gluck, Gry, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Kasper, Le Mignant, Llored, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Maurel, Messina, Möller-Nilsson, Mugnier, Moulin, Origné, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Puget, Rabou, Ramos, Rigal, Rochat, Roelfsema, Rousset, Roux, Salasnich, Sauvage, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Weber, Wildi, Rickman
2021, A&A, 651, A71 [ADS, 49 citations]
[161] - Evidence for differentiation of the most primitive small bodies
Carry, Vernazza, Vachier, Neveu, Berthier, Hanuš, Ferrais, Jorda, Marsset, Viikinkoski, Bartczak, Behrend, Benkhaldoun, Birlan, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Drouard, Dudziński, Desmars, Dumas, Ďurech, Fetick, Fusco, Grice, Jehin, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Marchis, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Pajuelo, Podlewska-Gaca, Rambaux, Santana-Ros, Storrs, Tanga, Vigan, Warner, Wieczorek, Witasse, Yang
2021, A&A, 650, A129 [ADS, 15 citations]
[160] - Variation on a Zernike wavefront sensor theme: Optimal use of photons
Chambouleyron, Fauvarque, Sauvage, Dohlen, Levraud, Vigan, N'Diaye, Neichel, Fusco
2021, A&A, 650, L8 [ADS, 5 citations]
[159] - A high-contrast search for variability in HR 8799bc with VLT-SPHERE
Biller, Apai, Bonnefoy, Desidera, Gratton, Kasper, Kenworthy, Lagrange, Lazzoni, Mesa, Vigan, Wagner, Vos, Zurlo
2021, MNRAS, 503, 743 [ADS, 19 citations]
[158] - Calibration of residual aberrations in exoplanet imagers with large numbers of degrees of freedom
Pourcelot, Vigan, Dohlen, Rouzé, Sauvage, El Morsy, Lopez, N'Diaye, Caillat, Choquet, Otten, Abbinanti, Balard, Carbillet, Blanchard, Hulin, Robert
2021, A&A, 649, A170 [ADS, 6 citations]
[157] - Limits on the presence of planets in systems with debris discs: HD 92945 and HD 107146
Mesa, Marino, Bonavita, Lazzoni, Fontanive, Pérez, D'Orazi, Desidera, Gratton, Engler, Henning, Janson, Kral, Langlois, Messina, Milli, Pawellek, Perrot, Rigliaco, Rickman, Squicciarini, Vigan, Wahhaj, Zurlo, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, De Caprio, Feldt, Gluck, Hagelberg, Keppler, Lagrange, Launhardt, Maire, Meyer, Moeller-Nilsson, Pavlov, Samland, Schmidt, Weber
2021, MNRAS, 503, 1276 [ADS, 5 citations]
[156] - HD 142527: quantitative disk polarimetry with SPHERE
Hunziker, Schmid, Ma, Menard, Avenhaus, Boccaletti, Beuzit, Chauvin, Dohlen, Dominik, Engler, Ginski, Gratton, Henning, Langlois, Milli, Mouillet, Tschudi, van Holstein, Vigan
2021, A&A, 648, A110 [ADS, 20 citations]
[155] - Medium-resolution spectrum of the exoplanet HIP 65426 b
Petrus, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Charnay, Marleau, Gratton, Lagrange, Rameau, Mordasini, Nowak, Delorme, Boccaletti, Carlotti, Houllé, Vigan, Allard, Desidera, D'Orazi, Hoeijmakers, Wyttenbach, Lavie
2021, A&A, 648, A59 [ADS, 33 citations]
[154] - A search for a fifth planet around HR 8799 using the star-hopping RDI technique at VLT/SPHERE
Wahhaj, Milli, Romero, Cieza, Zurlo, Vigan, Peña, Valdes, Cantalloube, Girard, Pantoja
2021, A&A, 648, A26 [ADS, 28 citations]
[153] - A survey of the linear polarization of directly imaged exoplanets and brown dwarf companions with SPHERE-IRDIS. First polarimetric detections revealing disks around DH Tau B and GSC 6214-210 B
van Holstein, Stolker, Jensen-Clem, Ginski, Milli, de Boer, Girard, Wahhaj, Bohn, Millar-Blanchaer, Benisty, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Dominik, Hinkley, Keller, Keppler, Langlois, Marino, Ménard, Perrot, Schmidt, Vigan, Zurlo, Snik
2021, A&A, 647, A21 [ADS, 27 citations]
[152] - Constraining the Nature of the PDS 70 Protoplanets with VLTI/GRAVITY
Wang, Vigan, Lacour, Nowak, Stolker, De Rosa, Ginzburg, Gao, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Bauböck, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Beuzit, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé Du Foresto, Cridland, de Zeeuw, Dembet, Dexter, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Facchini, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gardner, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jiménez-Rosales, Jocou, Kammerer, Keppler, Kervella, Meyer, Kreidberg, Lagrange, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Ménard, Mérand, Mollière, Monnier, Mouillet, Müller, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Pueyo, Rameau, Rodet, Rodríguez-Coira, Rousset, Scheithauer, Shangguan, Shimizu, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, Gravity Collaboration
2021, AJ, 161, 148 [ADS, 61 citations]
[151] - BEAST begins: sample characteristics and survey performance of the B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study
Janson, Squicciarini, Delorme, Gratton, Bonnefoy, Reffert, Mamajek, Eriksson, Vigan, Langlois, Engler, Chauvin, Desidera, Mayer, Marleau, Bohn, Samland, Meyer, d'Orazi, Henning, Quanz, Kenworthy, Carson
2021, A&A, 646, A164 [ADS, 19 citations]
[150] - Investigating three Sirius-like systems with SPHERE
Gratton, D'Orazi, Pacheco, Zurlo, Desidera, Meléndez, Mesa, Claudi, Janson, Langlois, Rickman, Samland, Moulin, Soenke, Cascone, Ramos, Rigal, Avenhaus, Beuzit, Biller, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Chauvin, Cudel, Daemgen, Delorme, Desgrange, Engler, Feldt, Fontanive, Galicher, Garufi, Gasparri, Ginski, Girard, Hagelberg, Hunziker, Kasper, Keppler, Lagrange, Lannier, Lazzoni, Le Coroller, Ligi, Lombart, Maire, Mayer, Mazevet, Ménard, Mouillet, Perrot, Peretti, Petrus, Potier, Rouan, Schmid, Schmidt, Sissa, Stolker, Salter, Vigan, Wildi
2021, A&A, 646, A61 [ADS, 8 citations]
[149] - Direct characterization of young giant exoplanets at high spectral resolution by coupling SPHERE and CRIRES+
Otten, Vigan, Muslimov, N'Diaye, Choquet, Seemann, Dohlen, Houllé, Cristofari, Phillips, Charles, Baraffe, Beuzit, Costille, Dorn, El Morsy, Kasper, Lopez, Mordasini, Pourcelot, Reiners, Sauvage
2021, A&A, 646, A150 [ADS, 27 citations]
[148] - Three New Late-type Stellar Companions to Very Dusty WISE Debris Disks Identified with SPHERE Imaging
Matthews, Hinkley, Stapelfeldt, Vigan, Mawet, Crossfield, David, Mamajek, Meshkat, Morales, Padgett
2021, AJ, 161, 78 [ADS, 2 citations]
[147] - Direct imaging of sub-Jupiter mass exoplanets with James Webb Space Telescope coronagraphy
Carter, Hinkley, Bonavita, Phillips, Girard, Perrin, Pueyo, Vigan, Gagné, Skemer
2021, MNRAS, 501, 1999 [ADS, 27 citations]


[146] - Volume uncertainty of (7) Iris shape models from disc-resolved images
Dudziński, Podlewska-Gaca, Bartczak, Benseguane, Ferrais, Jorda, Hanuš, Vernazza, Rambaux, Carry, Marchis, Marsset, Viikinkoski, Brož, Fetick, Drouard, Fusco, Birlan, Jehin, Berthier, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Dumas, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Witasse, Yang
2020, MNRAS, 499, 4545 [ADS, 3 citations]
[145] - A Search for Polarized Thermal Emission from Directly Imaged Exoplanets and Brown Dwarf Companions to Nearby Stars
Jensen-Clem, Millar-Blanchaer, van Holstein, Mawet, Graham, Sengupta, Marley, Snik, Vigan, Hinkley, de Boer, Girard, De Rosa, Bowler, Wiktorowicz, Perrin, Crepp, Macintosh
2020, AJ, 160, 286 [ADS, 7 citations]
[144] - A triple star in disarray. Multi-epoch observations of T Tauri with VLT-SPHERE and LBT-LUCI
Kasper, Santhakumari, Herbst, van Boekel, Menard, Gratton, van Holstein, Langlois, Ginski, Boccaletti, Benisty, de Boer, Delorme, Desidera, Dominik, Hagelberg, Henning, Heidt, Köhler, Mesa, Messina, Pavlov, Petit, Rickman, Roux, Rigal, Vigan, Wahhaj, Zurlo
2020, A&A, 644, A114 [ADS, 3 citations]
[143] - Direct confirmation of the radial-velocity planet β Pictoris c
Nowak, Lacour, Lagrange, Rubini, Wang, Stolker, Abuter, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Bauböck, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Charnay, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Coudé Du Foresto, Cridland, de Zeeuw, Dembet, Dexter, Drescher, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gardner, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Grandjean, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jiménez-Rosales, Jocou, Kammerer, Kervella, Keppler, Kreidberg, Kulikauskas, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Mérand, Maire, Mollière, Monnier, Mouillet, Müller, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paumard, Paladini, Perraut, Perrin, Pueyo, Pfuhl, Rameau, Rodet, Rodríguez-Coira, Rousset, Scheithauer, Shangguan, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Tacconi, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez, GRAVITY Collaboration
2020, A&A, 642, L2 [ADS, 56 citations]
[142] - Unveiling the β Pictoris system, coupling high contrast imaging, interferometric, and radial velocity data
Lagrange, Rubini, Nowak, Lacour, Grandjean, Boccaletti, Langlois, Delorme, Gratton, Wang, Flasseur, Galicher, Kral, Meunier, Beust, Babusiaux, Le Coroller, Thebault, Kervella, Zurlo, Maire, Wahhaj, Amorim, Asensio-Torres, Benisty, Berger, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Cantalloube, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Clénet, Christiaens, Coudé Du Foresto, de Zeeuw, Desidera, Duvert, Eckart, Eisenhauer, Galland, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Hagelberg, Haubois, Henning, Heissel, Hippler, Horrobin, Janson, Kammerer, Kenworthy, Keppler, Kreidberg, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Mérand, Messina, Mollière, Monnier, Ott, Otten, Paumard, Paladini, Perraut, Perrin, Pueyo, Pfuhl, Rodet, Rodriguez-Coira, Rousset, Samland, Shangguan, Schmidt, Straub, Straubmeier, Stolker, Vigan, Vincent, Widmann, Woillez, GRAVITY Collaboration
2020, A&A, 642, A18 [ADS, 36 citations]
[141] - Binary asteroid (31) Euphrosyne: ice-rich and nearly spherical
Yang, Hanuš, Carry, Vernazza, Brož, Vachier, Rambaux, Marsset, Chrenko, Ševeček, Viikinkoski, Jehin, Ferrais, Podlewska-Gaca, Drouard, Marchis, Birlan, Benkhaldoun, Berthier, Bartczak, Dumas, Dudziński, Ďurech, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Fetick, Fusco, Grice, Jorda, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Pajuelo, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vigan, Witasse
2020, A&A, 641, A80 [ADS, 15 citations]
[140] - The search for disks or planetary objects around directly imaged companions: a candidate around DH Tauri B
Lazzoni, Zurlo, Desidera, Mesa, Fontanive, Bonavita, Ertel, Rice, Vigan, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Delorme, Gratton, Houllé, Maire, Meyer, Rickman, Spalding, Asensio-Torres, Langlois, Müller, Baudino, Beuzit, Biller, Brandner, Buenzli, Cantalloube, Cheetham, Cudel, Feldt, Galicher, Janson, Hagelberg, Henning, Kasper, Keppler, Lagrange, Lannier, LeCoroller, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Salter, Samland, Schmidt, Sissa, Wildi
2020, A&A, 641, A131 [ADS, 9 citations]
[139] - Retrieving scattering clouds and disequilibrium chemistry in the atmosphere of HR 8799e
Mollière, Stolker, Lacour, Otten, Shangguan, Charnay, Molyarova, Nowak, Henning, Marleau, Semenov, van Dishoeck, Eisenhauer, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Girard, Greenbaum, Hinkley, Kervella, Kreidberg, Maire, Nasedkin, Pueyo, Snellen, Vigan, Wang, de Zeeuw, Zurlo
2020, A&A, 640, A131 [ADS, 110 citations]
[138] - Characterizing brown dwarf companions with IRDIS long-slit spectroscopy: HD 1160 B and HD 19467 B
Mesa, D'Orazi, Vigan, Kitzmann, Heng, Gratton, Desidera, Bonnefoy, Lavie, Maire, Peretti, Boccaletti
2020, MNRAS, 495, 4279 [ADS, 8 citations]
[137] - K-Stacker: an algorithm to hack the orbital parameters of planets hidden in high-contrast imaging. First applications to VLT/SPHERE multi-epoch observations
Le Coroller, Nowak, Delorme, Chauvin, Gratton, Devinat, Bec-Canet, Schneeberger, Estevez, Arnold, Beust, Bonnefoy, Boccaletti, Desgrange, Desidera, Galicher, Lagrange, Langlois, Maire, Menard, Vernazza, Vigan, Zurlo, Fenouillet, Lambert, Bonavita, Cheetham, D'orazi, Feldt, Janson, Ligi, Mesa, Meyer, Samland, Sissa, Beuzit, Dohlen, Fusco, Le Mignant, Mouillet, Ramos, Rochat, Sauvage
2020, A&A, 639, A113 [ADS, 7 citations]
[136] - Ongoing flyby in the young multiple system UX Tauri
Ménard, Cuello, Ginski, van der Plas, Villenave, Gonzalez, Pinte, Benisty, Boccaletti, Price, Boehler, Chripko, de Boer, Dominik, Garufi, Gratton, Hagelberg, Henning, Langlois, Maire, Pinilla, Ruane, Schmid, van Holstein, Vigan, Zurlo, Hubin, Pavlov, Rochat, Sauvage, Stadler
2020, A&A, 639, L1 [ADS, 33 citations]
[135] - Orbital and spectral characterization of the benchmark T-type brown dwarf HD 19467B
Maire, Molaverdikhani, Desidera, Trifonov, Mollière, D'Orazi, Frankel, Baudino, Messina, Müller, Charnay, Cheetham, Delorme, Ligi, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Mesa, Cantalloube, Galicher, Henning, Biller, Hagelberg, Lagrange, Lavie, Rickman, Ségransan, Udry, Chauvin, Gratton, Langlois, Vigan, Meyer, Beuzit, Bhowmik, Boccaletti, Lazzoni, Perrot, Schmidt, Zurlo, Gluck, Pragt, Ramos, Roelfsema, Roux, Sauvage
2020, A&A, 639, A47 [ADS, 22 citations]
[134] - Asteroid (16) Psyche's primordial shape: A possible Jacobi ellipsoid
Ferrais, Vernazza, Jorda, Rambaux, Hanuš, Carry, Marchis, Marsset, Viikinkoski, Brož, Fetick, Drouard, Fusco, Birlan, Podlewska-Gaca, Jehin, Bartczak, Berthier, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Dudziński, Dumas, Ďurech, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Witasse, Yang
2020, A&A, 638, L15 [ADS, 17 citations]
[133] - Wind-driven halo in high-contrast images. I. Analysis of the focal-plane images of SPHERE
Cantalloube, Farley, Milli, Bharmal, Brandner, Correia, Dohlen, Henning, Osborn, Por, Suárez Valles, Vigan
2020, A&A, 638, A98 [ADS, 30 citations]
[132] - Searching for the near-infrared counterpart of Proxima c using multi-epoch high-contrast SPHERE data at VLT
Gratton, Zurlo, Le Coroller, Damasso, Del Sordo, Langlois, Mesa, Milli, Chauvin, Desidera, Hagelberg, Lagadec, Vigan, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Brown, Cantalloube, Delorme, D'Orazi, Feldt, Galicher, Henning, Janson, Kervella, Lagrange, Lazzoni, Ligi, Maire, Ménard, Meyer, Mugnier, Potier, Rickman, Rodet, Romero, Schmidt, Sissa, Sozzetti, Szulágyi, Wahhaj, Antichi, Fusco, Stadler, Suarez, Wildi
2020, A&A, 638, A120 [ADS, 11 citations]
[131] - Increasing the raw contrast of VLT/SPHERE with the dark hole technique. I. Simulations and validation on the internal source
Potier, Galicher, Baudoz, Huby, Milli, Wahhaj, Boccaletti, Vigan, N'Diaye, Sauvage
2020, A&A, 638, A117 [ADS, 13 citations]
[130] - Detection of Polarization due to Cloud Bands in the Nearby Luhman 16 Brown Dwarf Binary
Millar-Blanchaer, Girard, Karalidi, Marley, van Holstein, Sengupta, Mawet, Kataria, Snik, de Boer, Jensen-Clem, Vigan, Hinkley
2020, ApJ, 894, 42 [ADS, 21 citations]
[129] - Measuring the cophasing state of a segmented mirror with a wavelength sweep and a Zernike phase contrast sensor
Cheffot, Vigan, Leveque, Hugot
2020, Optics Express, 28, 12566 [ADS, 12 citations]
[128] - HD 117214 debris disk: scattered-light images and constraints on the presence of planets
Engler, Lazzoni, Gratton, Milli, Schmid, Chauvin, Kral, Pawellek, Thébault, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Brown, Buey, Cantalloube, Carle, Cheetham, Desidera, Feldt, Ginski, Gisler, Henning, Hunziker, Lagrange, Langlois, Mesa, Meyer, Moeller-Nilsson, Olofsson, Petit, Petrus, Quanz, Rickman, Stadler, Stolker, Vigan, Wildi, Zurlo
2020, A&A, 635, A19 [ADS, 12 citations]
[127] - 2MASS J15491331-3539118: a new low-mass wide companion of the GQ Lup system
Alcalá, Majidi, Desidera, Frasca, Manara, Rigliaco, Gratton, Bonnefoy, Covino, Chauvin, Claudi, D'Orazi, Langlois, Lazzoni, Mesa, Schlieder, Vigan
2020, A&A, 635, L1 [ADS, 12 citations]
[126] - SPHERE+: Imaging young Jupiters down to the snowline
Boccaletti, Chauvin, Mouillet, Absil, Allard, Antoniucci, Augereau, Barge, Baruffolo, Baudino, Baudoz, Beaulieu, Benisty, Beuzit, Bianco, Biller, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Bos, Bouret, Brandner, Buchschache, Carry, Cantalloube, Cascone, Carlotti, Charnay, Chiavassa, Choquet, Clenet, Crida, De Boer, De Caprio, Desidera, Desert, Delisle, Delorme, Dohlen, Doelman, Dominik, Orazi, Dougados, Doute, Fedele, Feldt, Ferreira, Fontanive, Fusco, Galicher, Garufi, Gendron, Ghedina, Ginski, Gonzalez, Gratadour, Gratton, Guillot, Haffert, Hagelberg, Henning, Huby, Janson, Kamp, Keller, Kenworthy, Kervella, Kral, Kuhn, Lagadec, Laibe, Langlois, Lagrange, Launhardt, Leboulleux, Le Coroller, Li Causi, Loupias, Maire, Marleau, Martinache, Martinez, Mary, Mattioli, Mazoyer, Meheut, Menard, Mesa, Meunier, Miguel, Milli, Min, Molliere, Mordasini, Moretto, Mugnier, Muro Arena, Nardetto, Diaye, Nesvadba, Pedichini, Pinilla, Por, Potier, Quanz, Rameau, Roelfsema, Rouan, Rigliaco, Salasnich, Samland, Sauvage, Schmid, Segransan, Snellen, Snik, Soulez, Stadler, Stam, Tallon, Thebault, Thiebaut, Tschudi, Udry, van Holstein, Vernazza, Vidal, Vigan, Waters, Wildi, Willson, Zanutta, Zavagno, Zurlo
2020, arXiv, 2003.05714 [ADS, 30 citations]
[125] - Design and manufacturing of a multi-zone phase-shifting coronagraph mask for extremely large telescopes
Martinez, Beaulieu, Barjot, Guyon, Gouvret, Marcotto, Belhadi, Caillat, Behaghel, Tisserand, Sauget, Gautier, Le Duigou, Knight, Dohlen, Vigan, Abe, Preis, Spang, Dejonghe, N'Diaye
2020, A&A, 635, A126 [ADS, 2 citations]
[124] - Disk of 2MASS 15491331-3539118 = GQ Lup C as seen by HST and WISE
Lazzoni, Gratton, Alcalá, Desidera, Frasca, Manara, Mesa, Rigliaco, Vigan, Zurlo
2020, A&A, 635, L11 [ADS, 6 citations]
[123] - RefPlanets: Search for reflected light from extrasolar planets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL
Hunziker, Schmid, Mouillet, Milli, Zurlo, Delorme, Abe, Avenhaus, Baruffolo, Bazzon, Boccaletti, Baudoz, Beuzit, Carbillet, Chauvin, Claudi, Costille, Daban, Desidera, Dohlen, Dominik, Downing, Engler, Feldt, Fusco, Ginski, Gisler, Girard, Gratton, Henning, Hubin, Kasper, Keller, Langlois, Lagadec, Martinez, Maire, Menard, Meyer, Pavlov, Pragt, Puget, Quanz, Rickman, Roelfsema, Salasnich, Sauvage, Siebenmorgen, Sissa, Snik, Suarez, Szulágyi, Thalmann, Turatto, Udry, van Holstein, Vigan, Wildi
2020, A&A, 634, A69 [ADS, 15 citations]
[122] - A basin-free spherical shape as an outcome of a giant impact on asteroid Hygiea
Vernazza, Jorda, Ševeček, Brož, Viikinkoski, Hanuš, Carry, Drouard, Ferrais, Marsset, Marchis, Birlan, Podlewska-Gaca, Jehin, Bartczak, Dudzinski, Berthier, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, DeMeo, Dumas, Durech, Fetick, Fusco, Grice, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Rambaux, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Witasse, Yang, Gillon, Benkhaldoun, Szakats, Hirsch, Duffard, Chapman, Maestre
2020, Nature Astro, 4, 136 [ADS, 28 citations]
[121] - The violent collisional history of aqueously evolved (2) Pallas
Marsset, Brož, Vernazza, Drouard, Castillo-Rogez, Hanuš, Viikinkoski, Rambaux, Carry, Jorda, Ševeček, Birlan, Marchis, Podlewska-Gaca, Asphaug, Bartczak, Berthier, Cipriani, Colas, Dudziński, Dumas, Durech, Ferrais, Fétick, Fusco, Jehin, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Richardson, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Witasse, Yang
2020, Nature Astro, 4, 569 [ADS, 22 citations]
[120] - Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. I. Description, data reduction, and observing strategy
de Boer, Langlois, van Holstein, Girard, Mouillet, Vigan, Dohlen, Snik, Keller, Ginski, Stam, Milli, Wahhaj, Kasper, Schmid, Rabou, Gluck, Hugot, Perret, Martinez, Weber, Pragt, Sauvage, Boccaletti, Le Coroller, Dominik, Henning, Lagadec, Ménard, Turatto, Udry, Chauvin, Feldt, Beuzit
2020, A&A, 633, A63 [ADS, 68 citations]
[119] - (704) Interamnia: a transitional object between a dwarf planet and a typical irregular-shaped minor body
Hanuš, Vernazza, Viikinkoski, Ferrais, Rambaux, Podlewska-Gaca, Drouard, Jorda, Jehin, Carry, Marsset, Marchis, Warner, Behrend, Asenjo, Berger, Bronikowska, Brothers, Charbonnel, Colazo, Coliac, Duffard, Jones, Leroy, Marciniak, Melia, Molina, Nadolny, Person, Pejcha, Riemis, Shappee, Sobkowiak, Soldán, Suys, Szakats, Vantomme, Birlan, Berthier, Bartczak, Dumas, Dudziński, Ďurech, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Fetick, Fusco, Grice, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Michalowski, Michel, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Witasse, Yang
2020, A&A, 633, A65 [ADS, 15 citations]
[118] - Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. II. Characterization and correction of instrumental polarization effects
van Holstein, Girard, de Boer, Snik, Milli, Stam, Ginski, Mouillet, Wahhaj, Schmid, Keller, Langlois, Dohlen, Vigan, Pohl, Carbillet, Fantinel, Maurel, Origné, Petit, Ramos, Rigal, Sevin, Boccaletti, Le Coroller, Dominik, Henning, Lagadec, Ménard, Turatto, Udry, Chauvin, Feldt, Beuzit
2020, A&A, 633, A64 [ADS, 87 citations]


[117] - VLT/SPHERE exploration of the young multiplanetary system PDS70
Mesa, Keppler, Cantalloube, Rodet, Charnay, Gratton, Langlois, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Vigan, Flasseur, Bae, Benisty, Chauvin, de Boer, Desidera, Henning, Lagrange, Meyer, Milli, Müller, Pairet, Zurlo, Antoniucci, Baudino, Brown Sevilla, Cascone, Cheetham, Claudi, Delorme, D'Orazi, Feldt, Hagelberg, Janson, Kral, Lagadec, Lazzoni, Ligi, Maire, Martinez, Menard, Meunier, Perrot, Petrus, Pinte, Rickman, Rochat, Rouan, Samland, Sauvage, Schmidt, Udry, Weber, Wildi
2019, A&A, 632, A25 [ADS, 55 citations]
[116] - An extremely low-density and temperate giant exoplanet
Santerne, Malavolta, Kosiarek, Dai, Dressing, Dumusque, Hara, Lopez, Mortier, Vanderburg, Adibekyan, Armstrong, Barrado, Barros, Bayliss, Berardo, Boisse, Bonomo, Bouchy, Brown, Buchhave, Butler, Collier Cameron, Cosentino, Crane, Crossfield, Damasso, Deleuil, Delgado Mena, Demangeon, Díaz, Donati, Figueira, Fulton, Ghedina, Harutyunyan, Hébrard, Hirsch, Hojjatpanah, Howard, Isaacson, Latham, Lillo-Box, López-Morales, Lovis, Martinez Fiorenzano, Molinari, Mousis, Moutou, Nava, Nielsen, Osborn, Petigura, Phillips, Pollacco, Poretti, Rice, Santos, Ségransan, Shectman, Sinukoff, Sousa, Sozzetti, Teske, Udry, Vigan, Wang, Watson, Weiss, Wheatley, Winn
2019, arXiv, 1911.07355 [ADS, 28 citations]
[115] - Orbital and spectral analysis of the benchmark brown dwarf HD 4747B
Peretti, Ségransan, Lavie, Desidera, Maire, D'Orazi, Vigan, Baudino, Cheetham, Janson, Chauvin, Hagelberg, Menard, Heng, Udry, Boccaletti, Daemgen, Le Coroller, Mesa, Rouan, Samland, Schmidt, Zurlo, Bonnefoy, Feldt, Gratton, Lagrange, Langlois, Meyer, Carbillet, Carle, De Caprio, Gluck, Hugot, Magnard, Moulin, Pavlov, Pragt, Rabou, Ramos, Rousset, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Weber, Wildi
2019, A&A, 631, A107 [ADS, 23 citations]
[114] - SPHERE: the exoplanet imager for the Very Large Telescope
Beuzit, Vigan, Mouillet, Dohlen, Gratton, Boccaletti, Sauvage, Schmid, Langlois, Petit, Baruffolo, Feldt, Milli, Wahhaj, Abe, Anselmi, Antichi, Barette, Baudrand, Baudoz, Bazzon, Bernardi, Blanchard, Brast, Bruno, Buey, Carbillet, Carle, Cascone, Chapron, Charton, Chauvin, Claudi, Costille, De Caprio, de Boer, Delboulbé, Desidera, Dominik, Downing, Dupuis, Fabron, Fantinel, Farisato, Feautrier, Fedrigo, Fusco, Gigan, Ginski, Girard, Giro, Gisler, Gluck, Gry, Henning, Hubin, Hugot, Incorvaia, Jaquet, Kasper, Lagadec, Lagrange, Le Coroller, Le Mignant, Le Ruyet, Lessio, Lizon, Llored, Lundin, Madec, Magnard, Marteaud, Martinez, Maurel, Ménard, Mesa, Möller-Nilsson, Moulin, Moutou, Origné, Parisot, Pavlov, Perret, Pragt, Puget, Rabou, Ramos, Reess, Rigal, Rochat, Roelfsema, Rousset, Roux, Saisse, Salasnich, Santambrogio, Scuderi, Segransan, Sevin, Siebenmorgen, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Tiphène, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Waters, Weber, Wildi, Zins, Zurlo
2019, A&A, 631, A155 [ADS, 389 citations]
[113] - Exoplanet characterisation in the longest known resonant chain: the K2-138 system seen by HARPS
Lopez, Barros, Santerne, Deleuil, Adibekyan, Almenara, Armstrong, Brugger, Barrado, Bayliss, Boisse, Bonomo, Bouchy, Brown, Carli, Demangeon, Dumusque, Díaz, Faria, Figueira, Foxell, Giles, Hébrard, Hojjatpanah, Kirk, Lillo-Box, Lovis, Mousis, da Nóbrega, Nielsen, Neal, Osborn, Pepe, Pollacco, Santos, Sousa, Udry, Vigan, Wheatley
2019, A&A, 631, A90 [ADS, 28 citations]
[112] - Mapping of shadows cast on a protoplanetary disk by a close binary system
D'Orazi, Gratton, Desidera, Avenhaus, Mesa, Stolker, Giro, Benatti, Jang-Condell, Rigliaco, Sissa, Scatolin, Benisty, Bhowmik, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Buenzli, Chauvin, Daemgen, Damasso, Feldt, Galicher, Girard, Janson, Hagelberg, Mouillet, Kral, Lannier, Lagrange, Langlois, Maire, Menard, Moeller-Nilsson, Perrot, Peretti, Rabou, Ramos, Rodet, Roelfsema, Roux, Salter, Schlieder, Schmidt, Szulagyi, Thalmann, Thebault, van der Plas, Vigan, Zurlo
2019, Nature Astro, 3, 167 [ADS, 13 citations]
[111] - Coronagraphic phase diversity through residual turbulence: performance study and experimental validation
Herscovici-Schiller, Sauvage, Mugnier, Dohlen, Vigan
2019, MNRAS, 488, 4307 [ADS, 9 citations]
[110] - Calibration of quasi-static aberrations in exoplanet direct-imaging instruments with a Zernike phase-mask sensor. III. On-sky validation in VLT/SPHERE
Vigan, N'Diaye, Dohlen, Sauvage, Milli, Zins, Petit, Wahhaj, Cantalloube, Caillat, Costille, Le Merrer, Carlotti, Beuzit, Mouillet
2019, A&A, 629, A11 [ADS, 28 citations]
[109] - The Potential of Exozodiacal Disks Observations with the WFIRST Coronagraph Instrument
Mennesson, Bailey, Kasdin, Trauger, Absil, Akeson, Armus, Baudino, Baudoz, Bellini, Bennett, Berriman, Boccaletti, Calchi-Novati, Carpenter, Chen, Danchi, Debes, Defrere, Ertel, Frerking, Gelino, Girard, Groff, Kane, Helou, Kalirai, Kral, Krist, Kruk, Hasegawa, Lagrange, Laine, Langlois, Lowrance, Maire, Malhotra, Mandell, Marshall, McElwain, Meshkat, Millan-Gabet, Moustakas, Nemati, Paladini, Postman, Pueyo, Quintana, Ramirez, Rhodes, Riggs, Rizzo, Rouan, Soummer, Stapelfeldt, Stark, Turnbull, van der Marel, Vigan, Ygouf, Wyatt, Zhao, Zimmerman
2019, arXiv, 1909.02161 [ADS, 2 citations]
[108] - Determining mass limits around HD 163296 through SPHERE direct imaging data
Mesa, Langlois, Garufi, Gratton, Desidera, D'Orazi, Flasseur, Barbieri, Benisty, Henning, Ligi, Sissa, Vigan, Zurlo, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Cantalloube, Chauvin, Cheetham, De Caprio, Delorme, Feldt, Fusco, Gluck, Hagelberg, Lagrange, Lazzoni, Madec, Maire, Menard, Meyer, Ramos, Rickman, Rouan, Schmidt, Van der Plas
2019, MNRAS, 488, 37 [ADS, 18 citations]
[107] - An Exo-Kuiper Belt with an Extended Halo around HD 191089 in Scattered Light
Ren, Choquet, Perrin, Duchêne, Debes, Pueyo, Rice, Chen, Schneider, Esposito, Poteet, Wang, Ammons, Ansdell, Arriaga, Bailey, Barman, Sebastián Bruzzone, Bulger, Chilcote, Cotten, De Rosa, Doyon, Fitzgerald, Follette, Goodsell, Gerard, Graham, Greenbaum, Hagan, Hibon, Hines, Hung, Ingraham, Kalas, Konopacky, Larkin, Macintosh, Maire, Marchis, Marois, Mazoyer, Ménard, Metchev, Millar-Blanchaer, Mittal, Moerchen, Nielsen, N'Diaye, Oppenheimer, Palmer, Patience, Pinte, Poyneer, Rajan, Rameau, Rantakyrö, Ruffio, Ryan, Savransky, Schneider, Sivaramakrishnan, Song, Soummer, Stark, Thomas, Vigan, Wallace, Ward-Duong, Wiktorowicz, Wolff, Ygouf, Norman
2019, ApJ, 882, 64 [ADS, 34 citations]
[106] - SPHERE view of the jet and the envelope of RY Tauri
Garufi, Podio, Bacciotti, Antoniucci, Boccaletti, Codella, Dougados, Ménard, Mesa, Meyer, Nisini, Schmid, Stolker, Baudino, Biller, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Cantalloube, Chauvin, Cheetham, Desidera, D'Orazi, Feldt, Galicher, Grandjean, Gratton, Hagelberg, Lagrange, Langlois, Lannier, Lazzoni, Maire, Perrot, Rickman, Schmidt, Vigan, Zurlo, Delboulbé, Le Mignant, Fantinel, Möller-Nilsson, Weber, Sauvage
2019, A&A, 628, A68 [ADS, 32 citations]
[105] - ESA Voyage 2050 White Paper: Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission
Snellen, Albrecht, Anglada-Escude, Baraffe, Baudoz, Benz, Beuzit, Biller, Birkby, Boccaletti, van Boekel, de Boer, Brogi, Buchhave, Carone, Claire, Claudi, Demory, Desert, Desidera, Gaudi, Gratton, Gillon, Grenfell, Guyon, Henning, Hinkley, Huby, Janson, Helling, Heng, Kasper, Keller, Kenworthy, Krause, Kreidberg, Madhusudhan, Lagrange, Launhardt, Lenton, Lopez-Puertas, Maire, Mayne, Meadows, Mennesson, Micela, Miguel, Milli, Min, de Mooij, Mouillet, N'Diaye, D'Orazi, Palle, Pagano, Piotto, Queloz, Rauer, Ribas, Ruane, Selsis, Snik, Sozzetti, Stam, Stark, Vigan, de Visser
2019, arXiv, 1908.01803 [ADS, 2 citations]
[104] - The B-Star Exoplanet Abundance Study: a co-moving 16-25 MJup companion to the young binary system HIP 79098
Janson, Asensio-Torres, André, Bonnefoy, Delorme, Reffert, Desidera, Langlois, Chauvin, Gratton, Bohn, Eriksson, Marleau, Mamajek, Vigan, Carson
2019, A&A, 626, A99 [ADS, 20 citations]
[103] - First resolved observations of a highly asymmetric debris disc around HD 160305 with VLT/SPHERE
Perrot, Thebault, Lagrange, Boccaletti, Vigan, Desidera, Augereau, Bonnefoy, Choquet, Kral, Loh, Maire, Ménard, Messina, Olofsson, Gratton, Biller, Brandner, Buenzli, Chauvin, Cheetham, Daemgen, Delorme, Feldt, Lagadec, Langlois, Lannier, Mesa, Mouillet, Peretti, Janin-Potiron, Salter, Sissa, Roux, Llored, Buey, Pavlov, Weber, Petit
2019, A&A, 626, A95 [ADS, 10 citations]
[102] - Two cold belts in the debris disk around the G-type star NZ Lupi
Boccaletti, Thébault, Pawellek, Lagrange, Galicher, Desidera, Milli, Kral, Bonnefoy, Augereau, Maire, Henning, Beust, Rodet, Avenhaus, Bhowmik, Bonavita, Chauvin, Cheetham, Cudel, Feldt, Gratton, Hagelberg, Janin-Potiron, Langlois, Menard, Mesa, Meyer, Peretti, Perrot, Schmidt, Sissa, Vigan, Rickman, Magnard, Maurel, Moeller-Nilsson, Perret, Sauvage
2019, A&A, 625, A21 [ADS, 15 citations]
[101] - Exploring the R CrA environment with SPHERE. Discovery of a new stellar companion
Mesa, Bonnefoy, Gratton, Van Der Plas, D'Orazi, Sissa, Zurlo, Rigliaco, Schmidt, Langlois, Vigan, Ubeira Gabellini, Desidera, Antoniucci, Barbieri, Benisty, Boccaletti, Claudi, Fedele, Gasparri, Henning, Kasper, Lagrange, Lazzoni, Lodato, Maire, Manara, Meyer, Reggiani, Samland, Van den Ancker, Chauvin, Cheetham, Feldt, Hugot, Janson, Ligi, Möller-Nilsson, Petit, Rickman, Rigal, Wildi
2019, A&A, 624, A4 [ADS, 23 citations]
[100] - The shape of (7) Iris as evidence of an ancient large impact?
Hanuš, Marsset, Vernazza, Viikinkoski, Drouard, Brož, Carry, Fetick, Marchis, Jorda, Fusco, Birlan, Santana-Ros, Podlewska-Gaca, Jehin, Ferrais, Grice, Bartczak, Berthier, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Dudziński, Dumas, Ďurech, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Pajuelo, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Witasse, Yang
2019, A&A, 624, A121 [ADS, 10 citations]
[99] - Hint of curvature in the orbital motion of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b using 3 yr of VLT/SPHERE monitoring
Maire, Rodet, Cantalloube, Galicher, Brandner, Messina, Lazzoni, Mesa, Melnick, Carson, Samland, Biller, Boccaletti, Wahhaj, Beust, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Desidera, Langlois, Henning, Janson, Olofsson, Rouan, Ménard, Lagrange, Gratton, Vigan, Meyer, Cheetham, Beuzit, Dohlen, Avenhaus, Bonavita, Claudi, Cudel, Daemgen, D'Orazi, Fontanive, Hagelberg, Le Coroller, Perrot, Rickman, Schmidt, Sissa, Udry, Zurlo, Abe, Origné, Rigal, Rousset, Roux, Weber
2019, A&A, 624, A118 [ADS, 31 citations]
[98] - Closing the gap between Earth-based and interplanetary mission observations: Vesta seen by VLT/SPHERE
Fétick, Jorda, Vernazza, Marsset, Drouard, Fusco, Carry, Marchis, Hanuš, Viikinkoski, Birlan, Bartczak, Berthier, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Dudziński, Dumas, Ferrais, Jehin, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Mugnier, Neichel, Pajuelo, Podlewska-Gaca, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Witasse, Yang
2019, A&A, 623, A6 [ADS, 21 citations]
[97] - Blobs, spiral arms, and a possible planet around HD 169142
Gratton, Ligi, Sissa, Desidera, Mesa, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Cheetham, Feldt, Lagrange, Langlois, Meyer, Vigan, Boccaletti, Janson, Lazzoni, Zurlo, De Boer, Henning, D'Orazi, Gluck, Madec, Jaquet, Baudoz, Fantinel, Pavlov, Wildi
2019, A&A, 623, A140 [ADS, 37 citations]
[96] - Homogeneous internal structure of CM-like asteroid (41) Daphne
Carry, Vachier, Berthier, Marsset, Vernazza, Grice, Merline, Lagadec, Fienga, Conrad, Podlewska-Gaca, Santana-Ros, Viikinkoski, Hanuš, Dumas, Drummond, Tamblyn, Chapman, Behrend, Bernasconi, Bartczak, Benkhaldoun, Birlan, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Drouard, Ďurech, Enke, Fauvaud, Ferrais, Fetick, Fusco, Gillon, Jehin, Jorda, Kaasalainen, Keppler, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Marchis, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Pajuelo, Tanga, Vigan, Warner, Witasse, Yang, Zurlo
2019, A&A, 623, A132 [ADS, 25 citations]
[95] - A search for accreting young companions embedded in circumstellar disks. High-contrast Hα imaging with VLT/SPHERE
Cugno, Quanz, Hunziker, Stolker, Schmid, Avenhaus, Baudoz, Bohn, Bonnefoy, Buenzli, Chauvin, Cheetham, Desidera, Dominik, Feautrier, Feldt, Ginski, Girard, Gratton, Hagelberg, Hugot, Janson, Lagrange, Langlois, Magnard, Maire, Menard, Meyer, Milli, Mordasini, Pinte, Pragt, Roelfsema, Rigal, Szulágyi, van Boekel, van der Plas, Vigan, Wahhaj, Zurlo
2019, A&A, 622, A156 [ADS, 53 citations]
[94] - SPHERE dynamical and spectroscopic characterization of HD 142527B
Claudi, Maire, Mesa, Cheetham, Fontanive, Gratton, Zurlo, Avenhaus, Bhowmik, Biller, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Cascone, Chauvin, Delboulbé, Desidera, D'Orazi, Feautrier, Feldt, Flammini Dotti, Girard, Giro, Janson, Hagelberg, Keppler, Kopytova, Lacour, Lagrange, Langlois, Lannier, Le Coroller, Menard, Messina, Meyer, Millward, Olofsson, Pavlov, Peretti, Perrot, Pinte, Pragt, Ramos, Rochat, Rodet, Roelfsema, Rouan, Salter, Schmidt, Sissa, Thebault, Udry, Vigan
2019, A&A, 622, A96 [ADS, 36 citations]
[93] - Post-conjunction detection of β Pictoris b with VLT/SPHERE
Lagrange, Boccaletti, Langlois, Chauvin, Gratton, Beust, Desidera, Milli, Bonnefoy, Cheetham, Feldt, Meyer, Vigan, Biller, Bonavita, Baudino, Cantalloube, Cudel, Daemgen, Delorme, D'Orazi, Girard, Fontanive, Hagelberg, Janson, Keppler, Koypitova, Galicher, Lannier, Le Coroller, Ligi, Maire, Mesa, Messina, Müeller, Peretti, Perrot, Rouan, Salter, Samland, Schmidt, Sissa, Zurlo, Beuzit, Mouillet, Dominik, Henning, Lagadec, Ménard, Schmid, Turatto, Udry, Bohn, Charnay, Gomez Gonzales, Gry, Kenworthy, Kral, Mordasini, Moutou, van der Plas, Schlieder, Abe, Antichi, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Baudrand, Blanchard, Bazzon, Buey, Carbillet, Carle, Charton, Cascone, Claudi, Costille, Deboulbe, De Caprio, Dohlen, Fantinel, Feautrier, Fusco, Gigan, Giro, Gisler, Gluck, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Kasper, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Maurel, Le Mignant, Möller-Nilsson, Llored, Moulin, Origné, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Szulagyi, Wildi
2019, A&A, 621, L8 [ADS, 41 citations]
[92] - Key Technologies for the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope Coronagraph Instrument
Bailey, Armus, Balasubramanian, Baudoz, Bellini, Benford, Berriman, Bhattacharya, Boccaletti, Cady, Calchi Novati, Carpenter, Ciardi, Crill, Danchi, Debes, Demers, Dohlen, Effinger, Ferrari, Frerking, Gelino, Girard, Grady, Groff, Harding, Helou, Henning, Janson, Kalirai, Kane, Kasdin, Kenworthy, Kern, Krist, Kruk, Lagrange, Laine, Langlois, Le Coroller, Lindensmith, Lowrance, Maire, Malhotra, Mandell, McElwain, Mejia Prada, Mennesson, Meshkat, Moody, Morrissey, Moustakas, N'Diaye, Nemati, Noecker, Paladini, Perrin, Poberezhskiy, Postman, Pueyo, Ramirez, Ranc, Rhodes, Riggs, Rizzo, Roberge, Rouan, Schlieder, Seo, Shaklan, Shi, Soummer, Spergel, Stapelfeldt, Stark, Tamura, Tang, Trauger, Turnbull, van der Marel, Vigan, Williams, Wollack, Ygouf, Zhao, Zhoud, Zimmerman
2019, arXiv, 1901.04050 [ADS, 4 citations]


[91] - Origin of the asymmetry of the wind driven halo observed in high-contrast images
Cantalloube, Por, Dohlen, Sauvage, Vigan, Kasper, Bharmal, Henning, Brandner, Milli, Correia, Fusco
2018, A&A, 620, L10 [ADS, 31 citations]
[90] - High-contrast study of the candidate planets and protoplanetary disk around HD 100546
Sissa, Gratton, Garufi, Rigliaco, Zurlo, Mesa, Langlois, de Boer, Desidera, Ginski, Lagrange, Maire, Vigan, Dima, Antichi, Baruffolo, Bazzon, Benisty, Beuzit, Biller, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Bruno, Buenzli, Cascone, Chauvin, Cheetham, Claudi, Cudel, De Caprio, Dominik, Fantinel, Farisato, Feldt, Fontanive, Galicher, Giro, Hagelberg, Incorvaia, Janson, Kasper, Keppler, Kopytova, Lagadec, Lannier, Lazzoni, LeCoroller, Lessio, Ligi, Marzari, Menard, Meyer, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Potiron, Rouan, Salasnich, Salter, Samland, Schmidt, Scuderi, Wildi
2018, A&A, 619, A160 [ADS, 37 citations]
[89] - SPHERE/ZIMPOL high resolution polarimetric imager. I. System overview, PSF parameters, coronagraphy, and polarimetry
Schmid, Bazzon, Roelfsema, Mouillet, Milli, Menard, Gisler, Hunziker, Pragt, Dominik, Boccaletti, Ginski, Abe, Antoniucci, Avenhaus, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Beuzit, Carbillet, Chauvin, Claudi, Costille, Daban, de Haan, Desidera, Dohlen, Downing, Elswijk, Engler, Feldt, Fusco, Girard, Gratton, Hanenburg, Henning, Hubin, Joos, Kasper, Keller, Langlois, Lagadec, Martinez, Mulder, Pavlov, Podio, Puget, Quanz, Rigal, Salasnich, Sauvage, Schuil, Siebenmorgen, Sissa, Snik, Suarez, Thalmann, Turatto, Udry, van Duin, van Holstein, Vigan, Wildi
2018, A&A, 619, A9 [ADS, 87 citations]
[88] - (16) Psyche: A mesosiderite-like asteroid?
Viikinkoski, Vernazza, Hanuš, Le Coroller, Tazhenova, Carry, Marsset, Drouard, Marchis, Fetick, Fusco, Ďurech, Birlan, Berthier, Bartczak, Dumas, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Ferrais, Grice, Jehin, Jorda, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Pajuelo, Podlewska-Gaca, Santana-Ros, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Warner, Witasse, Yang
2018, A&A, 619, L3 [ADS, 44 citations]
[87] - K2-265 b: a transiting rocky super-Earth
Lam, Santerne, Sousa, Vigan, Armstrong, Barros, Brugger, Adibekyan, Almenara, Delgado Mena, Dumusque, Barrado, Bayliss, Bonomo, Bouchy, Brown, Ciardi, Deleuil, Demangeon, Faedi, Foxell, Jackman, King, Kirk, Ligi, Lillo-Box, Lopez, Lovis, Louden, Nielsen, McCormac, Mousis, Osborn, Pollacco, Santos, Udry, Wheatley
2018, A&A, 620, A77 [ADS, 18 citations]
[86] - K2 Targets Observed with SPHERE/VLT: An M4-7 Dwarf Companion Resolved around EPIC 206011496
Ligi, Demangeon, Barros, Mesa, Bonavita, Vigan, Bonnefoy, Gratton, Deleuil
2018, AJ, 156, 182 [ADS, 4 citations]
[85] - Constraining the presence of giant planets in two-belt debris disc systems with VLT/SPHERE direct imaging and dynamical arguments
Matthews, Hinkley, Vigan, Kennedy, Sutlieff, Wickenden, Treves, David, Meshkat, Mawet, Morales, Shannon, Stapelfeldt
2018, MNRAS, 480, 2757 [ADS, 11 citations]
[84] - SAFARI - I. A SPHERE discovery of a super metal-rich M-dwarf companion to the star HD 86006
Pantoja, Jenkins, Girard, Vigan, Salter, Jones
2018, MNRAS, 479, 4958 [ADS, 3 citations]
[83] - Imaging radial velocity planets with SPHERE
Zurlo, Mesa, Desidera, Messina, Gratton, Moutou, Beuzit, Biller, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Bhowmik, Brandner, Buenzli, Chauvin, Cudel, D'Orazi, Feldt, Hagelberg, Janson, Lagrange, Langlois, Lannier, Lavie, Lazzoni, Maire, Meyer, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Potiron, Salter, Schmidt, Sissa, Vigan, Delboulbé, Petit, Ramos, Rigal, Rochat
2018, MNRAS, 480, 35 [ADS, 16 citations]
[82] - The impact crater at the origin of the Julia family detected with VLT/SPHERE?
Vernazza, Brož, Drouard, Hanuš, Viikinkoski, Marsset, Jorda, Fetick, Carry, Marchis, Birlan, Fusco, Santana-Ros, Podlewska-Gaca, Jehin, Ferrais, Bartczak, Dudziński, Berthier, Castillo-Rogez, Cipriani, Colas, Dumas, Ďurech, Kaasalainen, Kryszczynska, Lamy, Le Coroller, Marciniak, Michalowski, Michel, Pajuelo, Tanga, Vachier, Vigan, Warner, Witasse, Yang, Asphaug, Richardson, Ševeček, Gillon, Benkhaldoun
2018, A&A, 618, A154 [ADS, 27 citations]
[81] - The GJ 504 system revisited. Combining interferometric, radial velocity, and high contrast imaging data
Bonnefoy, Perraut, Lagrange, Delorme, Vigan, Line, Rodet, Ginski, Mourard, Marleau, Samland, Tremblin, Ligi, Cantalloube, Mollière, Charnay, Kuzuhara, Janson, Morley, Homeier, D'Orazi, Klahr, Mordasini, Lavie, Baudino, Beust, Peretti, Musso Bartucci, Mesa, Bézard, Boccaletti, Galicher, Hagelberg, Desidera, Biller, Maire, Allard, Borgniet, Lannier, Meunier, Desort, Alecian, Chauvin, Langlois, Henning, Mugnier, Mouillet, Gratton, Brandt, Mc Elwain, Beuzit, Tamura, Hori, Brandner, Buenzli, Cheetham, Cudel, Feldt, Kasper, Keppler, Kopytova, Meyer, Perrot, Rouan, Salter, Schmidt, Sissa, Zurlo, Wildi, Blanchard, De Caprio, Delboulbé, Maurel, Moulin, Pavlov, Rabou, Ramos, Roelfsema, Rousset, Stadler, Rigal, Weber
2018, A&A, 618, A63 [ADS, 51 citations]
[80] - The gravitational mass of Proxima Centauri measured with SPHERE from a microlensing event
Zurlo, Gratton, Mesa, Desidera, Enia, Sahu, Almenara, Kervella, Avenhaus, Girard, Janson, Lagadec, Langlois, Milli, Perrot, Schlieder, Thalmann, Vigan, Giro, Gluck, Ramos, Roux
2018, MNRAS, 480, 236 [ADS, 26 citations]
[79] - Dynamical masses of M-dwarf binaries in young moving groups. I. The case of TWA 22 and GJ 2060
Rodet, Bonnefoy, Durkan, Beust, Lagrange, Schlieder, Janson, Grandjean, Chauvin, Messina, Maire, Brandner, Girard, Delorme, Biller, Bergfors, Lacour, Feldt, Henning, Boccaletti, Le Bouquin, Berger, Monin, Udry, Peretti, Segransan, Allard, Homeier, Vigan, Langlois, Hagelberg, Menard, Bazzon, Beuzit, Delboulbé, Desidera, Gratton, Lannier, Ligi, Maurel, Mesa, Meyer, Pavlov, Ramos, Rigal, Roelfsema, Salter, Samland, Schmidt, Stadler, Weber
2018, A&A, 618, A23 [ADS, 17 citations]
[78] - Resolving faint structures in the debris disk around TWA 7. Tentative detections of an outer belt, a spiral arm, and a dusty cloud
Olofsson, van Holstein, Boccaletti, Janson, Thébault, Gratton, Lazzoni, Kral, Bayo, Canovas, Caceres, Ginski, Pinte, Asensio-Torres, Chauvin, Desidera, Henning, Langlois, Milli, Schlieder, Schreiber, Augereau, Bonnefoy, Buenzli, Brandner, Durkan, Engler, Feldt, Godoy, Grady, Hagelberg, Lagrange, Lannier, Ligi, Maire, Mawet, Ménard, Mesa, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Salter, Schmidt, Sissa, Thalmann, Vigan, Abe, Feautrier, Le Mignant, Moulin, Pavlov, Rabou, Rousset, Roux
2018, A&A, 617, A109 [ADS, 30 citations]
[77] - Discovery of a planetary-mass companion within the gap of the transition disk around PDS 70
Keppler, Benisty, Müller, Henning, van Boekel, Cantalloube, Ginski, van Holstein, Maire, Pohl, Samland, Avenhaus, Baudino, Boccaletti, de Boer, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Desidera, Langlois, Lazzoni, Marleau, Mordasini, Pawellek, Stolker, Vigan, Zurlo, Birnstiel, Brandner, Feldt, Flock, Girard, Gratton, Hagelberg, Isella, Janson, Juhasz, Kemmer, Kral, Lagrange, Launhardt, Matter, Ménard, Milli, Mollière, Olofsson, Pérez, Pinilla, Pinte, Quanz, Schmidt, Udry, Wahhaj, Williams, Buenzli, Cudel, Dominik, Galicher, Kasper, Lannier, Mesa, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Salter, Sissa, Wildi, Abe, Antichi, Augereau, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Bazzon, Beuzit, Blanchard, Brems, Buey, De Caprio, Carbillet, Carle, Cascone, Cheetham, Claudi, Costille, Delboulbé, Dohlen, Fantinel, Feautrier, Fusco, Giro, Gluck, Gry, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Le Mignant, Llored, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Maurel, Meyer, Möller-Nilsson, Moulin, Mugnier, Origné, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Puget, Rabou, Ramos, Rigal, Rochat, Roelfsema, Rousset, Roux, Salasnich, Sauvage, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Turatto, Weber
2018, A&A, 617, A44 [ADS, 450 citations]
[76] - Orbital and atmospheric characterization of the planet within the gap of the PDS 70 transition disk
Müller, Keppler, Henning, Samland, Chauvin, Beust, Maire, Molaverdikhani, van Boekel, Benisty, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Cantalloube, Charnay, Baudino, Gennaro, Long, Cheetham, Desidera, Feldt, Fusco, Girard, Gratton, Hagelberg, Janson, Lagrange, Langlois, Lazzoni, Ligi, Ménard, Mesa, Meyer, Mollière, Mordasini, Moulin, Pavlov, Pawellek, Quanz, Ramos, Rouan, Sissa, Stadler, Vigan, Wahhaj, Weber, Zurlo
2018, A&A, 617, L2 [ADS, 176 citations]
[75] - Investigating the young solar system analog HD 95086. A combined HARPS and SPHERE exploration
Chauvin, Gratton, Bonnefoy, Lagrange, de Boer, Vigan, Beust, Lazzoni, Boccaletti, Galicher, Desidera, Delorme, Keppler, Lannier, Maire, Mesa, Meunier, Kral, Henning, Menard, Moor, Avenhaus, Bazzon, Janson, Beuzit, Bhowmik, Bonavita, Borgniet, Brandner, Cheetham, Cudel, Feldt, Fontanive, Ginski, Hagelberg, Janin-Potiron, Lagadec, Langlois, Le Coroller, Messina, Meyer, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Rodet, Samland, Sissa, Olofsson, Salter, Schmidt, Zurlo, Milli, van Boekel, Quanz, Feautrier, Le Mignant, Perret, Ramos, Rochat
2018, A&A, 617, A76 [ADS, 37 citations]
[74] - Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892
Cheetham, Bonnefoy, Desidera, Langlois, Vigan, Schmidt, Olofsson, Chauvin, Klahr, Gratton, D'Orazi, Henning, Janson, Biller, Peretti, Hagelberg, Ségransan, Udry, Mesa, Sissa, Kral, Schlieder, Maire, Mordasini, Menard, Zurlo, Beuzit, Feldt, Mouillet, Meyer, Lagrange, Boccaletti, Keppler, Kopytova, Ligi, Rouan, Le Coroller, Dominik, Lagadec, Turatto, Abe, Antichi, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Blanchard, Buey, Carbillet, Carle, Cascone, Claudi, Costille, Delboulbé, De Caprio, Dohlen, Fantinel, Feautrier, Fusco, Giro, Gluck, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Kasper, Llored, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Maurel, Le Mignant, Möller-Nilsson, Moulin, Origné, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Puget, Rabou, Ramos, Rigal, Rochat, Roelfsema, Rousset, Roux, Salasnich, Sauvage, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Weber, Wildi
2018, A&A, 615, A160 [ADS, 24 citations]
[73] - Astrometric and photometric accuracies in high contrast imaging: The SPHERE speckle calibration tool (SpeCal)
Galicher, Boccaletti, Mesa, Delorme, Gratton, Langlois, Lagrange, Maire, Le Coroller, Chauvin, Biller, Cantalloube, Janson, Lagadec, Meunier, Vigan, Hagelberg, Bonnefoy, Zurlo, Rocha, Maurel, Jaquet, Buey, Weber
2018, A&A, 615, A92 [ADS, 86 citations]
[72] - K-Stacker: Keplerian image recombination for the direct detection of exoplanets
Nowak, Le Coroller, Arnold, Dohlen, Estevez, Fusco, Sauvage, Vigan
2018, A&A, 615, A144 [ADS, 10 citations]
[71] - Physical, spectral, and dynamical properties of asteroid (107) Camilla and its satellites
Pajuelo, Carry, Vachier, Marsset, Berthier, Descamps, Merline, Tamblyn, Grice, Conrad, Storrs, Timerson, Dunham, Preston, Vigan, Yang, Vernazza, Fauvaud, Bernasconi, Romeuf, Behrend, Dumas, Drummond, Margot, Kervella, Marchis, Girard
2018, Icarus, 309, 134 [ADS, 21 citations]
[70] - VLT/SPHERE astrometric confirmation and orbital analysis of the brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B
Maire, Rodet, Lazzoni, Boccaletti, Brandner, Galicher, Cantalloube, Mesa, Klahr, Beust, Chauvin, Desidera, Janson, Keppler, Olofsson, Augereau, Daemgen, Henning, Thébault, Bonnefoy, Feldt, Gratton, Lagrange, Langlois, Meyer, Vigan, D'Orazi, Hagelberg, Le Coroller, Ligi, Rouan, Samland, Schmidt, Udry, Zurlo, Abe, Carle, Delboulbé, Feautrier, Magnard, Maurel, Moulin, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Ramos, Rigal, Roux, Weber
2018, A&A, 615, A177 [ADS, 16 citations]
[69] - First scattered light detection of a nearly edge-on transition disk around the T Tauri star RY Lupi
Langlois, Pohl, Lagrange, Maire, Mesa, Boccaletti, Gratton, Denneulin, Klahr, Vigan, Benisty, Dominik, Bonnefoy, Menard, Avenhaus, Cheetham, Van Boekel, de Boer, Chauvin, Desidera, Feldt, Galicher, Ginski, Girard, Henning, Janson, Kopytova, Kral, Ligi, Messina, Peretti, Pinte, Sissa, Stolker, Zurlo, Magnard, Blanchard, Buey, Suarez, Cascone, Moller-Nilsson, Weber, Petit, Pragt
2018, A&A, 614, A88 [ADS, 27 citations]
[68] - Observations of fast-moving features in the debris disk of AU Mic on a three-year timescale: Confirmation and new discoveries
Boccaletti, Sezestre, Lagrange, Thébault, Gratton, Langlois, Thalmann, Janson, Delorme, Augereau, Schneider, Milli, Grady, Debes, Kral, Olofsson, Carson, Maire, Henning, Wisniewski, Schlieder, Dominik, Desidera, Ginski, Hines, Ménard, Mouillet, Pawellek, Vigan, Lagadec, Avenhaus, Beuzit, Biller, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Cantalloube, Chauvin, Cheetham, Cudel, Gry, Daemgen, Feldt, Galicher, Girard, Hagelberg, Janin-Potiron, Kasper, Le Coroller, Mesa, Peretti, Perrot, Samland, Sissa, Wildi, Zurlo, Rochat, Stadler, Gluck, Origné, Llored, Baudoz, Rousset, Martinez, Rigal
2018, A&A, 614, A52 [ADS, 48 citations]
[67] - New spectro-photometric characterization of the substellar object HR 2562 B using SPHERE
Mesa, Baudino, Charnay, D'Orazi, Desidera, Boccaletti, Gratton, Bonnefoy, Delorme, Langlois, Vigan, Zurlo, Maire, Janson, Antichi, Baruffolo, Bruno, Cascone, Chauvin, Claudi, De Caprio, Fantinel, Farisato, Feldt, Giro, Hagelberg, Incorvaia, Lagadec, Lagrange, Lazzoni, Lessio, Salasnich, Scuderi, Sissa, Turatto
2018, A&A, 612, A92 [ADS, 15 citations]
[66] - New disk discovered with VLT/SPHERE around the M star GSC 07396-00759
Sissa, Olofsson, Vigan, Augereau, D'Orazi, Desidera, Gratton, Langlois, Rigliaco, Boccaletti, Kral, Lazzoni, Mesa, Messina, Sezestre, Thébault, Zurlo, Bhowmik, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Feldt, Hagelberg, Lagrange, Janson, Maire, Ménard, Schlieder, Schmidt, Szulágyi, Stadler, Maurel, Delboulbé, Feautrier, Ramos, Rigal
2018, A&A, 613, L6 [ADS, 23 citations]
[65] - ALICE Data Release: A Revaluation of HST-NICMOS Coronagraphic Images
Hagan, Choquet, Soummer, Vigan
2018, AJ, 155, 179 [ADS, 15 citations]
[64] - An Earth-sized exoplanet with a Mercury-like composition
Santerne, Brugger, Armstrong, Adibekyan, Lillo-Box, Gosselin, Aguichine, Almenara, Barrado, Barros, Bayliss, Boisse, Bonomo, Bouchy, Brown, Deleuil, Delgado Mena, Demangeon, Díaz, Doyle, Dumusque, Faedi, Faria, Figueira, Foxell, Giles, Hébrard, Hojjatpanah, Hobson, Jackman, King, Kirk, Lam, Ligi, Lovis, Louden, McCormac, Mousis, Neal, Osborn, Pepe, Pollacco, Santos, Sousa, Udry, Vigan
2018, Nature Astro, 2, 393 [ADS, 73 citations]
[63] - Dynamical models to explain observations with SPHERE in planetary systems with double debris belts
Lazzoni, Desidera, Marzari, Boccaletti, Langlois, Mesa, Gratton, Kral, Pawellek, Olofsson, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Lagrange, Vigan, Sissa, Antichi, Avenhaus, Baruffolo, Baudino, Bazzon, Beuzit, Biller, Bonavita, Brandner, Bruno, Buenzli, Cantalloube, Cascone, Cheetham, Claudi, Cudel, Daemgen, De Caprio, Delorme, Fantinel, Farisato, Feldt, Galicher, Ginski, Girard, Giro, Janson, Hagelberg, Henning, Incorvaia, Kasper, Kopytova, LeCoroller, Lessio, Ligi, Maire, Ménard, Meyer, Milli, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Rouan, Samland, Salasnich, Salter, Schmidt, Scuderi, Sezestre, Turatto, Udry, Wildi, Zurlo
2018, A&A, 611, A43 [ADS, 20 citations]
[62] - Investigating the young Solar System analog HD95086
Chauvin, Gratton, Bonnefoy, Lagrange, de Boer, Vigan, Beust, Lazzoni, Boccaletti, Galicher, Desidera, Delorme, Keppler, Lannier, Maire, Mesa, Meunier, Kral, Henning, Menard, Moor, Avenhaus, Bazzon, Janson, Beuzit, Bhowmik, Bonavita, Borgniet, Brandner, Cheetham, Cudel, Feldt, Fontanive, Ginski, Hagelberg, Janin-Potiron, Lagadec, Langlois, Le Coroller, Messina, Meyer, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Rodet, Samland, Sissa, Olofsson, Salter, Schmidt, Zurlo, Milli, van Boekel, Quanz, Wilson, Feautrier, Le Mignant, Perret, Ramos, Rochat
2018, arXiv, 1801.05850 [ADS, 2 citations]
[61] - Investigation of the inner structures around HD 169142 with VLT/SPHERE
Ligi, Vigan, Gratton, de Boer, Benisty, Boccaletti, Quanz, Meyer, Ginski, Sissa, Gry, Henning, Beuzit, Biller, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Cheetham, Cudel, Delorme, Desidera, Feldt, Galicher, Girard, Janson, Kasper, Kopytova, Lagrange, Langlois, Lecoroller, Maire, Ménard, Mesa, Peretti, Perrot, Pinilla, Pohl, Rouan, Stolker, Samland, Wahhaj, Wildi, Zurlo, Buey, Fantinel, Fusco, Jaquet, Moulin, Ramos, Suarez, Weber
2018, MNRAS, 473, 1774 [ADS, 65 citations]


[60] - In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD 206893B
Delorme, Schmidt, Bonnefoy, Desidera, Ginski, Charnay, Lazzoni, Christiaens, Messina, D'Orazi, Milli, Schlieder, Gratton, Rodet, Lagrange, Absil, Vigan, Galicher, Hagelberg, Bonavita, Lavie, Zurlo, Olofsson, Boccaletti, Cantalloube, Mouillet, Chauvin, Hambsch, Langlois, Udry, Henning, Beuzit, Mordasini, Lucas, Marocco, Biller, Carson, Cheetham, Covino, De Caprio, Delboulbe, Feldt, Girard, Hubin, Maire, Pavlov, Petit, Rouan, Roelfsema, Wildi
2017, A&A, 608, A79 [ADS, 68 citations]
[59] - Precise masses for the transiting planetary system HD 106315 with HARPS
Barros, Gosselin, Lillo-Box, Bayliss, Delgado Mena, Brugger, Santerne, Armstrong, Adibekyan, Armstrong, Barrado, Bento, Boisse, Bonomo, Bouchy, Brown, Cochran, Collier Cameron, Deleuil, Demangeon, Díaz, Doyle, Dumusque, Ehrenreich, Espinoza, Faedi, Faria, Figueira, Foxell, Hébrard, Hojjatpanah, Jackman, Lendl, Ligi, Lovis, Melo, Mousis, Neal, Osborn, Pollacco, Santos, Sefako, Shporer, Sousa, Triaud, Udry, Vigan, Wyttenbach
2017, A&A, 608, A25 [ADS, 26 citations]
[58] - Orbiting a binary. SPHERE characterisation of the HD 284149 system
Bonavita, D'Orazi, Mesa, Fontanive, Desidera, Messina, Daemgen, Gratton, Vigan, Bonnefoy, Zurlo, Antichi, Avenhaus, Baruffolo, Baudino, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Bruno, Buey, Carbillet, Cascone, Chauvin, Claudi, De Caprio, Fantinel, Farisato, Feldt, Galicher, Giro, Gry, Hagelberg, Incorvaia, Janson, Jaquet, Lagrange, Langlois, Lannier, Le Coroller, Lessio, Ligi, Maire, Meyer, Menard, Perrot, Peretti, Petit, Ramos, Roux, Salasnich, Salter, Samland, Scuderi, Schlieder, Surez, Turatto, Weber
2017, A&A, 608, A106 [ADS, 12 citations]
[57] - Evidence That the Directly Imaged Planet HD 131399 Ab Is a Background Star
Nielsen, Rosa, Rameau, Wang, Esposito, Millar-Blanchaer, Marois, Vigan, Ammons, Artigau, Bailey, Blunt, Bulger, Chilcote, Cotten, Doyon, Duchêne, Fabrycky, Fitzgerald, Follette, Gerard, Goodsell, Graham, Greenbaum, Hibon, Hinkley, Hung, Ingraham, Jensen-Clem, Kalas, Konopacky, Larkin, Macintosh, Maire, Marchis, Metchev, Morzinski, Murray-Clay, Oppenheimer, Palmer, Patience, Perrin, Poyneer, Pueyo, Rafikov, Rajan, Rantakyrö, Ruffio, Savransky, Schneider, Sivaramakrishnan, Song, Soummer, Thomas, Wallace, Ward-Duong, Wiktorowicz, Wolff
2017, AJ, 154, 218 [ADS, 33 citations]
[56] - New constraints on the disk characteristics and companion candidates around T Chamaeleontis with VLT/SPHERE
Pohl, Sissa, Langlois, Müller, Ginski, van Holstein, Vigan, Mesa, Maire, Henning, Gratton, Olofsson, van Boekel, Benisty, Biller, Boccaletti, Chauvin, Daemgen, de Boer, Desidera, Dominik, Garufi, Janson, Kral, Ménard, Pinte, Stolker, Szulágyi, Zurlo, Bonnefoy, Cheetham, Cudel, Feldt, Kasper, Lagrange, Perrot, Wildi
2017, A&A, 605, A34 [ADS, 37 citations]
[55] - Discovery of a warm, dusty giant planet around HIP 65426
Chauvin, Desidera, Lagrange, Vigan, Gratton, Langlois, Bonnefoy, Beuzit, Feldt, Mouillet, Meyer, Cheetham, Biller, Boccaletti, D'Orazi, Galicher, Hagelberg, Maire, Mesa, Olofsson, Samland, Schmidt, Sissa, Bonavita, Charnay, Cudel, Daemgen, Delorme, Janin-Potiron, Janson, Keppler, Le Coroller, Ligi, Marleau, Messina, Mollière, Mordasini, Müller, Peretti, Perrot, Rodet, Rouan, Zurlo, Dominik, Henning, Menard, Schmid, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Abe, Antichi, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Baudrand, Blanchard, Bazzon, Buey, Carbillet, Carle, Charton, Cascone, Claudi, Costille, Deboulbe, De Caprio, Dohlen, Fantinel, Feautrier, Fusco, Gigan, Giro, Gisler, Gluck, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Kasper, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Maurel, Le Mignant, Möller-Nilsson, Llored, Moulin, Origné, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Puget, Rabou, Ramos, Rigal, Rochat, Roelfsema, Rousset, Roux, Salasnich, Sauvage, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Weber, Wildi, Antoniucci, Augereau, Baudino, Brandner, Engler, Girard, Gry, Kral, Kopytova, Lagadec, Milli, Moutou, Schlieder, Szulágyi, Thalmann, Wahhaj
2017, A&A, 605, L9 [ADS, 163 citations]
[54] - The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits. IV. Gravitational instability rarely forms wide, giant planets
Vigan, Bonavita, Biller, Forgan, Rice, Chauvin, Desidera, Meunier, Delorme, Schlieder, Bonnefoy, Carson, Covino, Hagelberg, Henning, Janson, Lagrange, Quanz, Zurlo, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Buenzli, Feldt, Girard, Gratton, Kasper, Le Coroller, Mesa, Messina, Meyer, Montagnier, Mordasini, Mouillet, Moutou, Reggiani, Segransan, Thalmann
2017, A&A, 603, A3 [ADS, 104 citations]
[53] - Quantifying telescope phase discontinuities external to adaptive optics systems by use of phase diversity and focal plane sharpening
Lamb, Correia, Sauvage, Véran, Andersen, Vigan, Wizinowich, van Dam, Mugnier, Bond
2017, JATIS, 3, 039001 [ADS, 11 citations]
[52] - Fine cophasing of segmented aperture telescopes with ZELDA, a Zernike wavefront sensor in the diffraction-limited regime
Janin-Potiron, N'Diaye, Martinez, Vigan, Dohlen, Carbillet
2017, A&A, 603, A23 [ADS, 16 citations]
[51] - The First Scattered-light Image of the Debris Disk around the Sco-Cen Target HD 129590
Matthews, Hinkley, Vigan, Kennedy, Rizzuto, Stapelfeldt, Mawet, Booth, Chen, Jang-Condell
2017, ApJ, 843, L12 [ADS, 31 citations]
[50] - Spectral and atmospheric characterization of 51 Eridani b using VLT/SPHERE
Samland, Mollière, Bonnefoy, Maire, Cantalloube, Cheetham, Mesa, Gratton, Biller, Wahhaj, Bouwman, Brandner, Melnick, Carson, Janson, Henning, Homeier, Mordasini, Langlois, Quanz, van Boekel, Zurlo, Schlieder, Avenhaus, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Bonavita, Chauvin, Claudi, Cudel, Desidera, Feldt, Fusco, Galicher, Kopytova, Lagrange, Le Coroller, Martinez, Moeller-Nilsson, Mouillet, Mugnier, Perrot, Sevin, Sissa, Vigan, Weber
2017, A&A, 603, A57 [ADS, 100 citations]
[49] - Eccentricity in planetary systems and the role of binarity. Sample definition, initial results, and the system of HD 211847
Moutou, Vigan, Mesa, Desidera, Thébault, Zurlo, Salter
2017, A&A, 602, A87 [ADS, 23 citations]
[48] - SPHERE/ZIMPOL observations of the symbiotic system R Aquarii. I. Imaging of the stellar binary and the innermost jet clouds
Schmid, Bazzon, Milli, Roelfsema, Engler, Mouillet, Lagadec, Sissa, Sauvage, Ginski, Baruffolo, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Bohn, Claudi, Costille, Desidera, Dohlen, Dominik, Feldt, Fusco, Gisler, Girard, Gratton, Henning, Hubin, Joos, Kasper, Langlois, Pavlov, Pragt, Puget, Quanz, Salasnich, Siebenmorgen, Stute, Suarez, Szulágyi, Thalmann, Turatto, Udry, Vigan, Wildi
2017, A&A, 602, A53 [ADS, 44 citations]
[47] - SPHERE/SHINE reveals concentric rings in the debris disk of HIP 73145
Feldt, Olofsson, Boccaletti, Maire, Milli, Vigan, Langlois, Henning, Moor, Bonnefoy, Wahhaj, Desidera, Gratton, Kóspál, Abraham, Menard, Chauvin, Lagrange, Mesa, Salter, Buenzli, Lannier, Perrot, Peretti, Sissa
2017, A&A, 601, A7 [ADS, 55 citations]
[46] - Testing giant planet formation in the transitional disk of SAO 206462 using deep VLT/SPHERE imaging
Maire, Stolker, Messina, Müller, Biller, Currie, Dominik, Grady, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Galicher, Millward, Pohl, Brandner, Henning, Lagrange, Langlois, Meyer, Quanz, Vigan, Zurlo, van Boekel, Buenzli, Buey, Desidera, Feldt, Fusco, Ginski, Giro, Gratton, Hubin, Lannier, Le Mignant, Mesa, Peretti, Perrot, Ramos, Salter, Samland, Sissa, Stadler, Thalmann, Udry, Weber
2017, A&A, 601, A134 [ADS, 45 citations]
[45] - Upper limits for mass and radius of objects around Proxima Cen from SPHERE/VLT
Mesa, Zurlo, Milli, Gratton, Desidera, Langlois, Vigan, Bonavita, Antichi, Avenhaus, Baruffolo, Biller, Boccaletti, Bruno, Cascone, Chauvin, Claudi, De Caprio, Fantinel, Farisato, Girard, Giro, Hagelberg, Incorvaia, Janson, Kral, Lagadec, Lagrange, Lessio, Meyer, Peretti, Perrot, Salasnich, Schlieder, Schmid, Scuderi, Sissa, Thalmann, Turatto
2017, MNRAS, 466, L118 [ADS, 15 citations]
[44] - Near-infrared scattered light properties of the HR 4796 A dust ring. A measured scattering phase function from 13.6° to 166.6°
Milli, Vigan, Mouillet, Lagrange, Augereau, Pinte, Mawet, Schmid, Boccaletti, Matrà, Kral, Ertel, Chauvin, Bazzon, Ménard, Beuzit, Thalmann, Dominik, Feldt, Henning, Min, Girard, Galicher, Bonnefoy, Fusco, de Boer, Janson, Maire, Mesa, Schlieder, SPHERE Consortium
2017, A&A, 599, A108 [ADS, 96 citations]
[43] - Constraining the mass of the planet(s) sculpting a disk cavity. The intriguing case of 2MASS J16042165-2130284
Canovas, Hardy, Zurlo, Wahhaj, Schreiber, Vigan, Villaver, Olofsson, Meeus, Ménard, Caceres, Cieza, Garufi
2017, A&A, 598, A43 [ADS, 22 citations]
[42] - Shadows and spirals in the protoplanetary disk HD 100453
Benisty, Stolker, Pohl, de Boer, Lesur, Dominik, Dullemond, Langlois, Min, Wagner, Henning, Juhasz, Pinilla, Facchini, Apai, van Boekel, Garufi, Ginski, Ménard, Pinte, Quanz, Zurlo, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Beuzit, Chauvin, Cudel, Desidera, Feldt, Fontanive, Gratton, Kasper, Lagrange, LeCoroller, Mouillet, Mesa, Sissa, Vigan, Antichi, Buey, Fusco, Gisler, Llored, Magnard, Moeller-Nilsson, Pragt, Roelfsema, Sauvage, Wildi
2017, A&A, 597, A42 [ADS, 154 citations]
[41] - Belt(s) of debris resolved around the Sco-Cen star HIP 67497
Bonnefoy, Milli, Ménard, Vigan, Lagrange, Delorme, Boccaletti, Lazzoni, Galicher, Desidera, Chauvin, Augereau, Mouillet, Pinte, van der Plas, Gratton, Beust, Beuzit
2017, A&A, 597, L7 [ADS, 26 citations]


[40] - Multiple rings in the transition disk and companion candidates around RX J1615.3-3255. High contrast imaging with VLT/SPHERE
de Boer, Salter, Benisty, Vigan, Boccaletti, Pinilla, Ginski, Juhasz, Maire, Messina, Desidera, Cheetham, Girard, Wahhaj, Langlois, Bonnefoy, Beuzit, Buenzli, Chauvin, Dominik, Feldt, Gratton, Hagelberg, Isella, Janson, Keller, Lagrange, Lannier, Menard, Mesa, Mouillet, Mugrauer, Peretti, Perrot, Sissa, Snik, Vogt, Zurlo, SPHERE Consortium
2016, A&A, 595, A114 [ADS, 72 citations]
[39] - Direct detection of scattered light gaps in the transitional disk around HD 97048 with VLT/SPHERE
Ginski, Stolker, Pinilla, Dominik, Boccaletti, de Boer, Benisty, Biller, Feldt, Garufi, Keller, Kenworthy, Maire, Ménard, Mesa, Milli, Min, Pinte, Quanz, van Boekel, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Desidera, Gratton, Girard, Keppler, Kopytova, Lagrange, Langlois, Rouan, Vigan
2016, A&A, 595, A112 [ADS, 102 citations]
[38] - Characterizing HR 3549 B using SPHERE
Mesa, Vigan, D'Orazi, Ginski, Desidera, Bonnefoy, Gratton, Langlois, Marzari, Messina, Antichi, Biller, Bonavita, Cascone, Chauvin, Claudi, Curtis, Fantinel, Feldt, Garufi, Galicher, Henning, Incorvaia, Lagrange, Millward, Perrot, Salasnich, Scuderi, Sissa, Wahhaj, Zurlo
2016, A&A, 593, A119 [ADS, 27 citations]
[37] - Resolving the Planet-hosting Inner Regions of the LkCa 15 Disk
Thalmann, Janson, Garufi, Boccaletti, Quanz, Sissa, Gratton, Salter, Benisty, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Daemgen, Desidera, Dominik, Engler, Feldt, Henning, Lagrange, Langlois, Lannier, Le Coroller, Ligi, Ménard, Mesa, Meyer, Mulders, Olofsson, Pinte, Schmid, Vigan, Zurlo
2016, ApJ, 828, L17 [ADS, 65 citations]
[36] - SPOTS: The Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars. II. First constraints on the frequency of sub-stellar companions on wide circumbinary orbits
Bonavita, Desidera, Thalmann, Janson, Vigan, Chauvin, Lannier
2016, A&A, 593, A38 [ADS, 41 citations]
[35] - Calibration of quasi-static aberrations in exoplanet direct-imaging instruments with a Zernike phase-mask sensor. II. Concept validation with ZELDA on VLT/SPHERE
N'Diaye, Vigan, Dohlen, Sauvage, Caillat, Costille, Girard, Beuzit, Fusco, Blanchard, Le Merrer, Le Mignant, Madec, Moreaux, Mouillet, Puget, Zins
2016, A&A, 592, A79 [ADS, 29 citations]
[34] - Azimuthal asymmetries in the debris disk around HD 61005. A massive collision of planetesimals?
Olofsson, Samland, Avenhaus, Caceres, Henning, Moór, Milli, Canovas, Quanz, Schreiber, Augereau, Bayo, Bazzon, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Buenzli, Casassus, Chauvin, Dominik, Desidera, Feldt, Gratton, Janson, Lagrange, Langlois, Lannier, Maire, Mesa, Pinte, Rouan, Salter, Thalmann, Vigan
2016, A&A, 591, A108 [ADS, 74 citations]
[33] - Discovery of concentric broken rings at sub-arcsec separations in the HD 141569A gas-rich, debris disk with VLT/SPHERE
Perrot, Boccaletti, Pantin, Augereau, Lagrange, Galicher, Maire, Mazoyer, Milli, Rousset, Gratton, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Buenzli, Langlois, Lannier, Mesa, Peretti, Salter, Sissa, Chauvin, Desidera, Feldt, Vigan, Di Folco, Dutrey, Péricaud, Baudoz, Benisty, De Boer, Garufi, Girard, Menard, Olofsson, Quanz, Mouillet, Christiaens, Casassus, Beuzit, Blanchard, Carle, Fusco, Giro, Hubin, Maurel, Moeller-Nilsson, Sevin, Weber
2016, A&A, 590, L7 [ADS, 39 citations]
[32] - SAXO: the extreme adaptive optics system of SPHERE (I) system overview and global laboratory performance
Sauvage, Fusco, Petit, Costille, Mouillet, Beuzit, Dohlen, Kasper, Suarez, Soenke, Baruffolo, Salasnich, Rochat, Fedrigo, Baudoz, Hugot, Sevin, Perret, Wildi, Downing, Feautrier, Puget, Vigan, O'Neal, Girard, Mawet, Schmid, Roelfsema
2016, JATIS, 2, 025003 [ADS, 27 citations]
[31] - The SPHERE view of the planet-forming disk around HD 100546
Garufi, Quanz, Schmid, Mulders, Avenhaus, Boccaletti, Ginski, Langlois, Stolker, Augereau, Benisty, Lopez, Dominik, Gratton, Henning, Janson, Ménard, Meyer, Pinte, Sissa, Vigan, Zurlo, Bazzon, Buenzli, Bonnefoy, Brandner, Chauvin, Cheetham, Cudel, Desidera, Feldt, Galicher, Kasper, Lagrange, Lannier, Maire, Mesa, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Salter, Wildi
2016, A&A, 588, A8 [ADS, 79 citations]
[30] - The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. X. Detection and characterization of giant planets by the dozen
Hébrard, Arnold, Forveille, Correia, Laskar, Bonfils, Boisse, Díaz, Hagelberg, Sahlmann, Santos, Astudillo-Defru, Borgniet, Bouchy, Bourrier, Courcol, Delfosse, Deleuil, Demangeon, Ehrenreich, Gregorio, Jovanovic, Labrevoir, Lagrange, Lovis, Lozi, Moutou, Montagnier, Pepe, Rey, Santerne, Ségransan, Udry, Vanhuysse, Vigan, Wilson
2016, A&A, 588, A145 [ADS, 25 citations]
[29] - First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. I. Detection and characterization of the substellar companion GJ 758 B
Vigan, Bonnefoy, Ginski, Beust, Galicher, Janson, Baudino, Buenzli, Hagelberg, D'Orazi, Desidera, Maire, Gratton, Sauvage, Chauvin, Thalmann, Malo, Salter, Zurlo, Antichi, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Blanchard, Boccaletti, Beuzit, Carle, Claudi, Costille, Delboulbé, Dohlen, Dominik, Feldt, Fusco, Gluck, Girard, Giro, Gry, Henning, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Kasper, Lagrange, Langlois, Le Mignant, Llored, Madec, Martinez, Mawet, Mesa, Milli, Mouillet, Moulin, Moutou, Origné, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Puget, Rabou, Rochat, Roelfsema, Salasnich, Schmid, Sevin, Siebenmorgen, Smette, Stadler, Suarez, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Wahhaj, Weber, Wildi
2016, A&A, 587, A55 [ADS, 82 citations]
[28] - First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. IV. Physical and chemical properties of the planets around HR8799
Bonnefoy, Zurlo, Baudino, Lucas, Mesa, Maire, Vigan, Galicher, Homeier, Marocco, Gratton, Chauvin, Allard, Desidera, Kasper, Moutou, Lagrange, Antichi, Baruffolo, Baudrand, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Cantalloube, Carbillet, Charton, Claudi, Costille, Dohlen, Dominik, Fantinel, Feautrier, Feldt, Fusco, Gigan, Girard, Gluck, Gry, Henning, Janson, Langlois, Madec, Magnard, Maurel, Mawet, Meyer, Milli, Moeller-Nilsson, Mouillet, Pavlov, Perret, Pujet, Quanz, Rochat, Rousset, Roux, Salasnich, Salter, Sauvage, Schmid, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Wahhaj, Wildi
2016, A&A, 587, A58 [ADS, 108 citations]
[27] - First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. II. The physical properties and the architecture of the young systems PZ Telescopii and HD 1160 revisited
Maire, Bonnefoy, Ginski, Vigan, Messina, Mesa, Galicher, Gratton, Desidera, Kopytova, Millward, Thalmann, Claudi, Ehrenreich, Zurlo, Chauvin, Antichi, Baruffolo, Bazzon, Beuzit, Blanchard, Boccaletti, de Boer, Carle, Cascone, Costille, De Caprio, Delboulbé, Dohlen, Dominik, Feldt, Fusco, Girard, Giro, Gisler, Gluck, Gry, Henning, Hubin, Hugot, Jaquet, Kasper, Lagrange, Langlois, Le Mignant, Llored, Madec, Martinez, Mawet, Milli, Möller-Nilsson, Mouillet, Moulin, Moutou, Origné, Pavlov, Petit, Pragt, Puget, Ramos, Rochat, Roelfsema, Salasnich, Sauvage, Schmid, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Wahhaj, Weber, Wildi
2016, A&A, 587, A56 [ADS, 88 citations]
[26] - High-cadence, High-contrast Imaging for Exoplanet Mapping: Observations of the HR 8799 Planets with VLT/SPHERE Satellite-spot-corrected Relative Photometry
Apai, Kasper, Skemer, Hanson, Lagrange, Biller, Bonnefoy, Buenzli, Vigan
2016, ApJ, 820, 40 [ADS, 53 citations]
[25] - First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. III. New spectrophotometry and astrometry of the HR 8799 exoplanetary system
Zurlo, Vigan, Galicher, Maire, Mesa, Gratton, Chauvin, Kasper, Moutou, Bonnefoy, Desidera, Abe, Apai, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Baudrand, Beuzit, Blancard, Boccaletti, Cantalloube, Carle, Cascone, Charton, Claudi, Costille, de Caprio, Dohlen, Dominik, Fantinel, Feautrier, Feldt, Fusco, Gigan, Girard, Gisler, Gluck, Gry, Henning, Hugot, Janson, Jaquet, Lagrange, Langlois, Llored, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Maurel, Mawet, Meyer, Milli, Moeller-Nilsson, Mouillet, Origné, Pavlov, Petit, Puget, Quanz, Rabou, Ramos, Rousset, Roux, Salasnich, Salter, Sauvage, Schmid, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Wahhaj, Wildi, Antichi
2016, A&A, 587, A57 [ADS, 133 citations]
[24] - The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits . III. The frequency of brown dwarfs and giant planets as companions to solar-type stars
Reggiani, Meyer, Chauvin, Vigan, Quanz, Biller, Bonavita, Desidera, Delorme, Hagelberg, Maire, Boccaletti, Beuzit, Buenzli, Carson, Covino, Feldt, Girard, Gratton, Henning, Kasper, Lagrange, Mesa, Messina, Montagnier, Mordasini, Mouillet, Schlieder, Segransan, Thalmann, Zurlo
2016, A&A, 586, A147 [ADS, 39 citations]
[23] - A narrow, edge-on disk resolved around HD 106906 with SPHERE
Lagrange, Langlois, Gratton, Maire, Milli, Olofsson, Vigan, Bailey, Mesa, Chauvin, Boccaletti, Galicher, Girard, Bonnefoy, Samland, Menard, Henning, Kenworthy, Thalmann, Beust, Beuzit, Brandner, Buenzli, Cheetham, Janson, le Coroller, Lannier, Mouillet, Peretti, Perrot, Salter, Sissa, Wahhaj, Abe, Desidera, Feldt, Madec, Perret, Petit, Rabou, Soenke, Weber
2016, A&A, 586, L8 [ADS, 70 citations]
[22] - Apodization in high-contrast long-slit spectroscopy. II. Concept validation and first on-sky results with VLT/SPHERE
Vigan, N'Diaye, Dohlen, Beuzit, Costille, Caillat, Baruffolo, Blanchard, Carle, Ferrari, Fusco, Gluck, Hugot, Jaquet, Langlois, Le Mignant, Llored, Madec, Mouillet, Origné, Puget, Salasnich, Sauvage
2016, A&A, 586, A144 [ADS, 7 citations]


[21] - High-contrast imaging of Sirius A with VLT/SPHERE: looking for giant planets down to one astronomical unit
Vigan, Gry, Salter, Mesa, Homeier, Moutou, Allard
2015, MNRAS, 454, 129 [ADS, 77 citations]
[20] - Fast-moving features in the debris disk around AU Microscopii
Boccaletti, Thalmann, Lagrange, Janson, Augereau, Schneider, Milli, Grady, Debes, Langlois, Mouillet, Henning, Dominik, Maire, Beuzit, Carson, Dohlen, Engler, Feldt, Fusco, Ginski, Girard, Hines, Kasper, Mawet, Ménard, Meyer, Moutou, Olofsson, Rodigas, Sauvage, Schlieder, Schmid, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Vigan, Wahhaj, Wisniewski
2015, Nature, 526, 230 [ADS, 92 citations]
[19] - Early Results from VLT SPHERE: Long-slit Spectroscopy of 2MASS 0122-2439 B, a Young Companion Near the Deuterium Burning Limit
Hinkley, Bowler, Vigan, Aller, Liu, Mawet, Matthews, Wahhaj, Kraus, Baraffe, Chabrier
2015, ApJ, 805, L10 [ADS, 23 citations]
[18] - Performance of the VLT Planet Finder SPHERE. II. Data analysis and results for IFS in laboratory
Mesa, Gratton, Zurlo, Vigan, Claudi, Alberi, Antichi, Baruffolo, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Costille, Desidera, Dohlen, Fantinel, Feldt, Fusco, Giro, Henning, Kasper, Langlois, Maire, Martinez, Moeller-Nilsson, Mouillet, Moutou, Pavlov, Puget, Salasnich, Sauvage, Sissa, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Waters, Wildi
2015, A&A, 576, A121 [ADS, 109 citations]
[17] - The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits. II. Survey description, results, and performances
Chauvin, Vigan, Bonnefoy, Desidera, Bonavita, Mesa, Boccaletti, Buenzli, Carson, Delorme, Hagelberg, Montagnier, Mordasini, Quanz, Segransan, Thalmann, Beuzit, Biller, Covino, Feldt, Girard, Gratton, Henning, Kasper, Lagrange, Messina, Meyer, Mouillet, Moutou, Reggiani, Schlieder, Zurlo
2015, A&A, 573, A127 [ADS, 97 citations]
[16] - The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs in wide orbits. I. Sample definition and characterization
Desidera, Covino, Messina, Carson, Hagelberg, Schlieder, Biazzo, Alcalá, Chauvin, Vigan, Beuzit, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Delorme, D'Orazi, Esposito, Feldt, Girardi, Gratton, Henning, Lagrange, Lanzafame, Launhardt, Marmier, Melo, Meyer, Mouillet, Moutou, Segransan, Udry, Zaidi
2015, A&A, 573, A126 [ADS, 86 citations]


[15] - Performance of the VLT Planet Finder SPHERE. I. Photometry and astrometry precision with IRDIS and IFS in laboratory
Zurlo, Vigan, Mesa, Gratton, Moutou, Langlois, Claudi, Pueyo, Boccaletti, Baruffolo, Beuzit, Costille, Desidera, Dohlen, Feldt, Fusco, Henning, Kasper, Martinez, Moeller-Nilsson, Mouillet, Pavlov, Puget, Sauvage, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Waters, Wildi
2014, A&A, 572, A85 [ADS, 70 citations]
[14] - The VAST Survey - IV. A wide brown dwarf companion to the A3V star ζ Delphini
De Rosa, Patience, Ward-Duong, Vigan, Marois, Song, Macintosh, Graham, Doyon, Bessell, Lai, McCarthy, Kulesa
2014, MNRAS, 445, 3694 [ADS, 23 citations]
[13] - The VAST Survey - III. The multiplicity of A-type stars within 75 pc
De Rosa, Patience, Wilson, Schneider, Wiktorowicz, Vigan, Marois, Song, Macintosh, Graham, Doyon, Bessell, Thomas, Lai
2014, MNRAS, 437, 1216 [ADS, 138 citations]


[12] - Apodization in high-contrast long-slit spectroscopy. Closer, deeper, fainter, cooler
Vigan, N'Diaye, Dohlen
2013, A&A, 555, A49 [ADS, 5 citations]
[11] - Astrophysical false positives in direct imaging for exoplanets: a white dwarf close to a rejuvenated star
Zurlo, Vigan, Hagelberg, Desidera, Chauvin, Almenara, Biazzo, Bonnefoy, Carson, Covino, Delorme, D'Orazi, Gratton, Mesa, Messina, Moutou, Segransan, Turatto, Udry, Wildi
2013, A&A, 554, A21 [ADS, 33 citations]


[10] - The International Deep Planet Survey. I. The frequency of wide-orbit massive planets around A-stars
Vigan, Patience, Marois, Bonavita, De Rosa, Macintosh, Song, Doyon, Zuckerman, Lafrenière, Barman
2012, A&A, 544, A9 [ADS, 135 citations]
[9] - The Volume-limited A-Star (VAST) survey - II. Orbital motion monitoring of A-type star multiples
De Rosa, Patience, Vigan, Wilson, Schneider, McConnell, Wiktorowicz, Marois, Song, Macintosh, Graham, Bessell, Doyon, Lai
2012, MNRAS, 422, 2765 [ADS, 30 citations]
[8] - High-contrast spectroscopy of SCR J1845-6357 B
Vigan, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Moutou, Montagnier
2012, A&A, 540, A131 [ADS, 14 citations]
[7] - Spectroscopy across the brown dwarf/planetary mass boundary. I. Near-infrared JHK spectra
Patience, King, De Rosa, Vigan, Witte, Rice, Helling, Hauschildt
2012, A&A, 540, A85 [ADS, 47 citations]


[6] - On-sky multiwavelength phasing of segmented telescopes with the Zernike phase contrast sensor
Vigan, Dohlen, Mazzanti
2011, Applied Optics, 50, 2708 [ADS, 25 citations]
[5] - Simulation of planet detection with the SPHERE integral field spectrograph
Mesa, Gratton, Berton, Antichi, Verinaud, Boccaletti, Kasper, Claudi, Desidera, Giro, Beuzit, Dohlen, Feldt, Mouillet, Chauvin, Vigan
2011, A&A, 529, A131 [ADS, 13 citations]


[4] - Dissecting the Moth: discovery of an off-centered ring in the HD 61005 debris disk with high-resolution imaging
Buenzli, Thalmann, Vigan, Boccaletti, Chauvin, Augereau, Meyer, Ménard, Desidera, Messina, Henning, Carson, Montagnier, Beuzit, Bonavita, Eggenberger, Lagrange, Mesa, Mouillet, Quanz
2010, A&A, 524, L1 [ADS, 61 citations]
[3] - Photometric characterization of exoplanets using angular and spectral differential imaging
Vigan, Moutou, Langlois, Allard, Boccaletti, Carbillet, Mouillet, Smith
2010, MNRAS, 407, 71 [ADS, 189 citations]


[2] - Exoplanet characterization with long slit spectroscopy
Vigan, Langlois, Moutou, Dohlen
2008, A&A, 489, 1345 [ADS, 42 citations]
[1] - Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106 - II. Column density and dynamical state of the clumps
Wong, Ladd, Brisbin, Burton, Bains, Cunningham, Lo, Jones, Thomas, Longmore, Vigan, Mookerjea, Kramer, Fukui, Kawamura
2008, MNRAS, 386, 1069 [ADS, 60 citations]

SPIE Proceedings


[60] - Connecting SPHERE and CRIRES+ for the characterisation of young exoplanets at high spectral resolution: status update of VLT/HiRISE
Vigan, Lopez, El Morsy, Muslimov, Viret, Zins, Murray, Costille, Otten, Seemann, Anwand-Heerwart, Dohlen, Blanchard, Garcia, Charles, Tchoubaklian, Ely, Phillips, Paufique, Beuzit, Houllé, Costes, Pourcelot, Baraffe, Dorn, Jaquet, Kasper, Reiners, Smette, Blanco, Pallanca, Carlotti, Choquet, Mouillet, N'Diaye
2022, SPIE, 12185 [ADS, 4 citations]
[59] - Upgrading the high contrast imaging facility SPHERE: science drivers and instrument choices
Boccaletti, Chauvin, Wildi, Milli, Stadler, Diolaiti, Gratton, Vidal, Loupias, Langlois, Cantalloube, N'Diaye, Gratadour, Ferreira, Tallon, Mazoyer, Segransan, Mouillet, Beuzit, Bonnefoy, Galicher, Vigan, Snellen, Feldt, Desidera, Rousseau, Baruffolo, Goulas, Baudoz, Bechet, Benisty, Bianco, Carry, Cascone, Charnay, Choquet, Christiaens, Cortecchia, Di Capprio, De Rosa, Desgrange, D'Orazi, Douté, Frangiamore, Gendron, Ginski, Huby, Keller, Kulcsár, Landman, Lagarde, Lagadec, Lagrange, Lombini, Kasper, Ménard, Magnard, Malaguti, Maurel, Mesa, Morgante, Pantin, Pichon, Potier, Rabou, Rochat, Terenzi, Thiébaut, Tallon-Bosc, Raynaud, Rouan, Sevin, Schiavone, Schrieber, Zanutta
2022, SPIE, 12184 [ADS, 1 citation]
[58] - HARMONI at ELT: overview of the capabilities and expected performance of the ELT's first light, adaptive optics assisted integral field spectrograph.
Thatte, Melotte, Neichel, Le Mignant, Bryson, Clarke, Ferraro-Wood, Fusco, Gonzalez, Schnetler, Tecza, Wilson, Álvarez Urueña, Vilaseca, Arribas, Carracedo Carballale, Crespo, Estrada Piqueras, García García, Martínez Martín, Pereira Santaella, Perna, Piqueras Lopez, Bouché, Boudon, Daguise, Disseau, Fensch, Girardot, Guibert, Jarno, Jeanneau, Krogager, Laurent, Loupias, Migniau, Piqueras, Remillieux, Richard, Pecontal, Bardou, Barr, Cetre, Deshmukh, Dimoudi, Dubbledam, Dunn, Gadotti, Guy, King, Little, McLeod, Morris, Morris, O'Brien, Ronson, Smith, Staykov, Swinbank, Townson, Accardo, Alvarez Mendez, George, Hopgood, Ives, Mehrgan, Mueller, Reyes, Conzelmann, Gutierrez Cheetham, Alonso-Sánchez, Battaglia, Cagigas, Chulani, Delgado García, Fernandez Izquierdo, Fragoso López, García-Lorenzo, Hernández González, Hernandez Suarez, Herreros Linares, Joven, López López, Lujan Gonzalez, Martín Hernando, Mediavilla, Menéndez Mendoza, Montoya Martínez, Peñate Castro, Pérez, Rasilla, Rebolo, Rodríguez Ramos, Vega-Moreno, Viera, Zanon Dametto, Carlotti, Correia, Curaba, Delboulbe, Guieu, Hours, Hubert, Jocou, Magnard, Moulin, Pancher, Rabou, Stadler, Vérove, Contini, Larrieu, Boebion, Fantei-Caujolle, Lecron, Rousseau, Amram, Beltramo-Martin, Bon, Bonnefoi, Ceria, Challita, Charles, Choquet, Correia, Costille, Dohlen, Ducret, El Hadi, Gach, Gimenez, Groussin, Jaquet, Jouve, Madec, Pedreros, Renault, Sanchez, Vigan, Vola, Zavago, Fetick, Lim, Petit, Sauvage, Védrenne, Bagci, Caldwell, Elliott, Hiscock, Johnson, Nalagatla, Seitis, Wells, Black, Bond, Brierley, Campbell, Campbell, Carruthers, Cochrane, Evans, Harman, Humphreys, Louth, Miller, Montgomery, Murali, Murray, O'Malley, Sanchez-Janssen, Schwartz, Smith, Strachan, Todd, Watt, Wells, Yaqoob, Bell, Gnedin, Gultekin, Mateo, Meyer, Ahmad, Birkby, Booth, Cappellari, Castillo Dominguez, Chao Ortiz, Gooding, Grisdale, Hidalgo, Hogan, Kariuki, Lewis, Lowe, Ozer, Routledge, Rigopoulou, York
2022, SPIE, 12184 [ADS, 1 citation]
[57] - HARMONI at ELT: system analysis and performance estimation of the high-contrast module
Carlotti, Jocou, Moulin, Rabou, Bidot, Hours, Magnard, Delboulbé, Pancher, Choquet, Vigan, Houllé, Dohlen, Sauvage, Fusco, Thatte, Neichel, Clarke, Melotte, Tecza, Schnetler
2022, SPIE, 12185 [ADS, 1 citation]
[56] - Experimental validation of exoplanet centring strategies for high dispersion coronagraphy
El Morsy, Vigan, Lopez, Otten, Choquet, Madec, Costille, Sauvage, Dohlen, Muslimov, Pourcelot, Floriot, Benedetti, Blanchard, Balard, Murray
2022, SPIE, 12185 [ADS]


[55] - Experimental validation of active control of low-order aberrations with a Zernike sensor through a Lyot coronagraph
Pourcelot, N'Diaye, Por, Perrin, Soummer, Laginja, Sahoo, Carbillet, Brady, Dohlen, Maclay, McChesney, Noss, Petrone, Pueyo, Vigan, Will
2021, SPIE, 11823 [ADS, 1 citation]


[54] - A metrological characterization of the SPEED test-bed PIAACMC components
Barjot, Martinez, Beaulieu, Gouvret, Marcotto, Guyon, Belhadi, Caillat, Behaghel, Le Duigou, Dohlen, Vigan
2020, SPIE, 11451 [ADS]
[53] - Estimating low-order aberrations through a Lyot coronagraph with a Zernike wavefront sensor for exoplanet imaging
Pourcelot, N'Diaye, Brady, Carbillet, Dohlen, Fowler, Laginja, Maclay, Noss, Perrin, Petrone, Por, Sauvage, Soummer, Vigan, Will
2020, SPIE, 11443 [ADS]
[52] - The ExoGRAVITY project: using single mode interferometry to characterize exoplanets
Lacour, Wang, Nowak, Pueyo, Eisenhauer, Lagrange, Mollière, Abuter, Amorin, Asensio-Torres, Bauböck, Benisty, Berger, Beust, Blunt, Boccaletti, Bohn, Bonnefoy, Bonnet, Brandner, Cantalloube, Caselli, Charnay, Chauvin, Choquet, Christiaens, Clénet, Cridland, de Zeeuw, Dembet, Dexter, Drescher, Duvert, Gao, Garcia, Garcia Lopez, Gardner, Gendron, Genzel, Gillessen, Girard, Haubois, Heißel, Henning, Hinkley, Hippler, Horrobin, Houllé, Hubert, Jiménez-Rosales, Jocou, Kammerer, Keppler, Kervella, Kreidberg, Lapeyrère, Le Bouquin, Léna, Lutz, Maire, Mérand, Monnier, Mouillet, Muller, Nasedkin, Ott, Otten, Paladini, Paumard, Perraut, Perrin, Pfuhl, Rameau, Rodet, Rodriguez-Coira, Rousset, Shangguan, Shimizu, Stadler, Straub, Straubmeier, Sturm, Stolker, van Dishoeck, Vigan, Vincent, von Fellenberg, Ward-Duong, Widmann, Wieprecht, Wiezorrek, Woillez
2020, SPIE, 11446 [ADS, 2 citations]
[51] - HARMONI: first light spectroscopy for the ELT: instrument final design and quantitative performance predictions
Thatte, Bryson, Clarke, Ferraro-Wood, Fusco, Le Mignant, Melotte, Neichel, Schnetler, Tecza, Arribas, Crespo, Estrada Piqueras, García García, Pereira Santaella, Piqueras López, Blaizot, Bouché, Boudon, Chapuis, Daguise, Disseau, Guibert, Jarno, Jeanneau, Laurent, Loupias, Migniau, Piqueras, Remillieux, Richard, Pécontal-Rousset, Bardou, Close, Deshmukh, Dimoudi, Dubbledam, King, Morris, Morris, O'Brien, Staykov, Swinbank, Townson, Younger, Accardo, Avarez Mendez, Conzelmann, Egner, George, Gonté, Hopgood, Ives, Mehrgan, Mueller, Peroux, Vernet, Alonso Sanchez, Giuseppina, Cagigas, Delgado, Fernandez Izquierdo, Fragoso López, Garcia-Lorenzo, Hernandez Suarez, Herreros Linares, Joven, López, Martín Hernando, Mediavilla, Monreal, Peñate Castro, Rasilla, Rebolo, Rodríguez-Ramos, Vega Moreno, Viera, Carlotti, Correia, Delboulbe, Guieu, Hours, Hubert, Jocou, Magnard, Moulin, Pancher, Rabou, Stadler, Contini, Larrieu, Fantei-Caujolle, Lecron, Rousseau, Beltramo-Martin, Bon, Bonnefoi, Ceria, Choquet, Correia, Costille, Dohlen, Ducret, El-Hadi, Epinat, Fetick, Gach, Groussin, Jaafar, Le Merrer, Llored, Pedreros, Renault, Sanchez, Vigan, Vola, Lim, Vedrenne, Petit, Sauvage, Bagci, Cann, Chao Ortiz, Elliott, Seitis, Tosh, Anderson, Black, Bond, Born, Campbell, Campbell, Carruthers, Cochrane, Dobson, Evans, Gallie, Gonzalez, Harman, Henry, Humphreys, Louth, Miller, Montgomery, Murray, O'Malley, Ritchie, Sanchez-Janssen, Schwartz, Smith, Watt, Wells, Wilson, Gultekin, Mateo, Meyer, Valluri, Ahmad, Booth, Capone, Cappellari, Gooding, Grisdale, Hidalgo, Kariuki, Lewis, Lowe, Lynn, Menduina, Ozer, Preece, Rigopoulou, Rodrigues, Routledge
2020, SPIE, 11447 [ADS, 5 citations]


[50] - Lessons for WFIRST CGI from ground-based high-contrast systems
Bailey, Bottom, Cady, Cantalloube, de Boer, Groff, Krist, Millar-Blanchaer, Vigan, Chilcote, Choquet, De Rosa, Girard, Guyon, Kern, Lagrange, Macintosh, Males, Marois, Meshkat, Milli, N'Diaye, Ngo, Nielsen, Rhodes, Ruane, van Holstein, Wang, Xuan
2018, SPIE, 10698 [ADS, 10 citations]
[49] - Towards the experimental validation of the non-linear dark hole on the THD bench
Herscovici-Schiller, Mugnier, Baudoz, Galicher, Sauvage, Patru, Leboulleux, Vigan, Dohlen, Fusco, Pueyo, Soummer, Le Duigou
2018, SPIE, 10703 [ADS, 1 citation]
[48] - Low wind effect on VLT/SPHERE: impact, mitigation strategy, and results
Milli, Kasper, Bourget, Pannetier, Mouillet, Sauvage, Reyes, Fusco, Cantalloube, Tristam, Wahhaj, Beuzit, Girard, Mawet, Telle, Vigan, N'Diaye
2018, SPIE, 10703 [ADS, 8 citations]
[47] - Statistical analysis and lessons learned of SPHERE adaptive optics performance
Mouillet, Milli, Sauvage, Fusco, Beuzit, Vigan, Albert, Boccaletti, Cantalloube, Chauvin, Correia, Delorme, Dohlen, Kasper, Lagrange, Meunier, Pannetier
2018, SPIE, 10703 [ADS, 1 citation]
[46] - Bringing high-spectral resolution to VLT/SPHERE with a fiber coupling to VLT/CRIRES+
Vigan, Otten, Muslimov, Dohlen, Philipps, Seemann, Beuzit, Dorn, Kasper, Mouillet, Baraffe, Reiners
2018, SPIE, 10702 [ADS, 11 citations]
[45] - Opto-mechanical design of a High Contrast Module (HCM) for HARMONI
Hénault, Carlotti, Rabou, Magnard, Sradler, Mouillet, Chauvin, Bonnefoy, Sauvage, Dohlen, Vigan, Fusco, El Hadi, Vola, Clarke, Thatte, Bryson, Schnetler, Tecza, Vérinaud
2018, SPIE, 10702 [ADS]
[44] - System analysis and expected performance of a high-contrast module for HARMONI
Carlotti, Hénault, Dohlen, Sauvage, Rabou, Magnard, Vigan, Mouillet, Chauvin, Vola, Bonnefoy, Fusco, El Hadi, Thatte, Clarke, Tecza, Bryson, Schnetler, Vérinaud
2018, SPIE, 10702 [ADS]
[43] - Experimental test of a 40 cm-long R=100 000 spectrometer for exoplanet characterisation
Bourdarot, Le Coarer, Mouillet, Correia, Jocou, Rabou, Carlotti, Bonfils, Artigau, Vallee, Doyon, Forveille, Stadler, Magnard, Vigan
2018, SPIE, 10702 [ADS, 3 citations]
[42] - On-sky compensation of non-common path aberrations with the ZELDA wavefront sensor in VLT/SPHERE
Vigan, N'Diaye, Dohlen, Milli, Wahhaj, Sauvage, Beuzit, Pourcelot, Mouillet, Zins
2018, SPIE, 10703 [ADS, 4 citations]
[41] - Performance of spatial filtering wavefront sensor for the phasing of segmented telescopes
Cheffot, Noethe, Dohlen, Vigan, Hugot, Lévêque, Sauvage
2018, SPIE, 10700 [ADS]
[40] - High-contrast observations of circumstellar environments with GTC/FRIDA: design and study of the coronagraphic devices
N'Diaye, Cuevas, Sánchez, Carlotti, Vigan, Dohlen, Bonnefoy, Beuzit
2018, SPIE, 10703 [ADS]


[39] - Combining angular differential imaging and accurate polarimetry with SPHERE/IRDIS to characterize young giant exoplanets
van Holstein, Snik, Girard, de Boer, Ginski, Keller, Stam, Beuzit, Mouillet, Kasper, Langlois, Zurlo, de Kok, Vigan
2017, SPIE, 10400 [ADS, 9 citations]


[38] - SPHERE on-sky performance compared with budget predictions
Dohlen, Vigan, Mouillet, Wildi, Sauvage, Fusco, Beuzit, Puget, Le Mignant, Roelfsema, Pragt, Schmid, Gratton, Mesa, Claudi, Langlois, Costille, Hugot, O'Neil, Guerra, N'Diaye, Girard, Mawet, Zins
2016, SPIE, 9908 [ADS, 4 citations]
[37] - The E-ELT first light spectrograph HARMONI: capabilities and modes
Thatte, Clarke, Bryson, Shnetler, Tecza, Fusco, Bacon, Richard, Mediavilla, Neichel, Arribas, Garcia-Lorenzo, Evans, Remillieux, El Madi, Herreros, Melotte, O'Brien, Tosh, Vernet, Hammersley, Ives, Finger, Houghton, Rigopoulou, Lynn, Allen, Zieleniewski, Kendrew, Ferraro-Wood, Pécontal-Rousset, Kosmalski, Laurent, Loupias, Piqueras, Renault, Blaizot, Daguisé, Migniau, Jarno, Born, Gallie, Montgomery, Henry, Schwartz, Taylor, Zins, Rodríguez-Ramos, Cagigas, Battaglia, Rebolo López, Hernández Suárez, Gigante-Ripoll, Piqueras López, Villar Martin, Correia, Pascal, Blanco, Vola, Epinat, Peroux, Vigan, Dohlen, Sauvage, Lee, Carlotti, Verinaud, Morris, Myers, Reeves, Swinbank, Calcines, Larrieu
2016, SPIE, 9908 [ADS, 19 citations]
[36] - SPHERE IRDIS and IFS astrometric strategy and calibration
Maire, Langlois, Dohlen, Lagrange, Gratton, Chauvin, Desidera, Girard, Milli, Vigan, Zins, Delorme, Beuzit, Claudi, Feldt, Mouillet, Puget, Turatto, Wildi
2016, SPIE, 9908 [ADS, 83 citations]
[35] - Speckle lifetime in XAO coronagraphic images: temporal evolution of SPHERE coronagraphic images
Milli, Banas, Mouillet, Mawet, Girard, Vigan, Boccaletti, Kasper, Wahhaj, Lagrange, Beuzit, Fusco, Sauvage, Galicher
2016, SPIE, 9909 [ADS, 12 citations]
[34] - Tackling down the low wind effect on SPHERE instrument
Sauvage, Fusco, Lamb, Girard, Brinkmann, Guesalaga, Wizinowich, O'Neal, N'Diaye, Vigan, Mouillet, Beuzit, Kasper, Le Louarn, Milli, Dohlen, Neichel, Bourget, Haguenauer, Mawet
2016, SPIE, 9909 [ADS, 12 citations]
[33] - Quality control and data flow operations of SPHERE
Hummel, Girard, Milli, Wahhaj, Lundin, Vigan
2016, SPIE, 9910 [ADS, 1 citation]
[32] - Stop-less Lyot coronagraph for exoplanet characterization: first on-sky validation in VLT/SPHERE
Vigan, N'Diaye, Dohlen, Beuzit, Costille, Caillat, Baruffolo, Blanchard, Carle, Ferrari, Fusco, Gluck, Hugot, Jaquet, Langlois, Le Mignant, Llored, Madec, Mouillet, Origné, Puget, Salasnich, Sauvage
2016, SPIE, 9912 [ADS, 1 citation]
[31] - ZELDA, a Zernike wavefront sensor for the fine measurement of quasi-static aberrations in coronagraphic systems: concept studies and results with VLT/SPHERE
N'Diaye, Vigan, Dohlen, Sauvage, Caillat, Costille, Girard, Beuzit, Fusco, Blanchard, Le Merrer, Le Mignant, Madec, Moreaux, Mouillet, Puget, Zins
2016, SPIE, 9909 [ADS, 4 citations]
[30] - SAXO, the SPHERE extreme AO system: on-sky final performance and future improvements
Fusco, Sauvage, Mouillet, Costille, Petit, Beuzit, Dohlen, Milli, Girard, Kasper, Vigan, Suarez, Soenke, Downing, N'Diaye, Baudoz, Sevin, Baruffolo, Schmid, Salasnich, Hugot, Hubin
2016, SPIE, 9909 [ADS, 18 citations]
[29] - Estimating phase errors from pupil discontinuities from simulated on sky data: examples with VLT and Keck
Lamb, Correia, Sauvage, Véran, Andersen, Vigan, Wizinowich, van Dam, Mugnier, Bond
2016, SPIE, 9909 [ADS, 3 citations]
[28] - Characterisation of a turbulent module for the MITHIC high-contrast imaging testbed
Vigan, Postnikova, Caillat, Sauvage, Dohlen, El Hadi, Fusco, Lamb, N'Diaye
2016, SPIE, 9909 [ADS, 2 citations]


[27] - Final performance and lesson-learned of SAXO, the VLT-SPHERE extreme AO: from early design to on-sky results
Fusco, Sauvage, Petit, Costille, Dohlen, Mouillet, Beuzit, Kasper, Suarez, Soenke, Fedrigo, Downing, Baudoz, Sevin, Perret, Barufolo, Salasnich, Puget, Feautrier, Rochat, Moulin, Deboulbé, Hugot, Vigan, Mawet, Girard, Hubin
2014, SPIE, 9148 [ADS, 45 citations]
[26] - SPHERE eXtreme AO control scheme: final performance assessment and on sky validation of the first auto-tuned LQG based operational system
Petit, Sauvage, Fusco, Sevin, Suarez, Costille, Vigan, Soenke, Perret, Rochat, Barufolo, Salasnich, Beuzit, Dohlen, Mouillet, Puget, Wildi, Kasper, Conan, Kulcsár, Raynaud
2014, SPIE, 9148 [ADS, 45 citations]
[25] - Design optimization and lab demonstration of ZELDA: a Zernike sensor for near-coronagraph quasi-static measurements
N'Diaye, Dohlen, Caillat, Costille, Fusco, Jolivet, Madec, Mugnier, Paul, Sauvage, Soummer, Vigan, Wallace
2014, SPIE, 9148 [ADS, 13 citations]
[24] - Methods for the detection and the characterization of low mass companions using the IFS of SPHERE
Zurlo, Mesa, Gratton, Claudi, Desidera, Giro, Beuzit, Dohlen, Mouillet, Puget, Wildi, Feldt, Moeller-Nilsson, Baruffolo, Fantinel, Salasnich, Kasper, Costille, Sauvage, Vigan, Moutou, Langlois, Antichi, Pavlov, Zimmerman, Turatto
2014, SPIE, 9147 [ADS]
[23] - Infrared differential imager and spectrograph for SPHERE: performance assessment for on-sky operation
Langlois, Vigan, Dohlen, Moutou, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Carle, Costille, Dorn, Gluck, Gry, Hubin, Feldt, Kasper, Madec, Le Mignant, Lizon, Mouillet, Origné, Puget, Sauvage, Wildi, Zurlo
2014, SPIE, 9147 [ADS, 9 citations]
[22] - SPHERE/IRDIS: final performance assessment of the dual-band imaging and long slit spectroscopy modes
Vigan, Langlois, Dohlen, Zurlo, Moutou, Costille, Gry, Madec, Le Mignant, Gluck, Sauvage
2014, SPIE, 9147 [ADS, 2 citations]
[21] - A format standard for efficient interchange of high-contrast direct imaging science products
Choquet, Vigan, Soummer, Chauvin, Pueyo, Perrin, Hines
2014, SPIE, 9147 [ADS, 1 citation]
[20] - Stop-less Lyot coronagraph for exoplanet characterization: design, manufacturing, and tests of the apodizer
Vigan, N'Diaye, Dohlen
2014, SPIE, 9151 [ADS, 3 citations]
[19] - High contrast polarimetry in the infrared with SPHERE on the VLT
Langlois, Dohlen, Vigan, Zurlo, Moutou, Schmid, Mili, Beuzit, Boccaletti, Carle, Costille, Dorn, Gluck, Hubin, Feldt, Kasper, Lizon, Madec, Le Mignant, Mouillet, Puget, Sauvage, Wildi
2014, SPIE, 9147 [ADS, 29 citations]


[18] - Sphere: complete laboratory performance and prediction for on-sky first light
Sauvage, Beuzit, Roelfsema, Feldt, Dohlen, Mouillet, Puget, Wildi, Abe, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Bazzon, Boccaletti, Buey, Carbillet, Charton, Claudi, Costille, Delboulbé, Desidera, Dominik, Downing, Fabron, Feautrier, Fedrigo, Fusco, Giro, Gluck, Gratton, Henning, Hubin, Kasper, Lagrange, Langlois, Le Mignant, Lizon, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Mesa, Möller-Nilsson, Moulin, Moutou, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Pragt, Rabou, Rochat, Salasnich, Rousset, Schmid, Sevin, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Turatto, Udry, Vigan, Vakili, Zins, Zurlo
2013, SPIE, 8864 [ADS]


[17] - Stop-less Lyot coronagraph for exoplanet characterization
Vigan, N'Diaye, Dohlen
2012, SPIE, 8446 [ADS]
[16] - SPHERE-IRDIS assembly, integration and testing: from bits and metal to a planet-hunting machine
Madec, Dohlen, Blanchard, Carle, Origné, Jaquet, Le Mignant, Barette, Moreaux, Arthaud, Ferrand, Blanc, Vors, Ducret, Gluck, Saisse, Fabron, Laurent, Benedetti, Bon, Llored, Moutou, Gry, Meunier, Vigan, Hill, Langlois, Lizon, Naranjo, Brast, Feldt, Popovic
2012, SPIE, 8446 [ADS]
[15] - First laboratory results of SPHERE/IRDIS dual-band imaging and long slit spectroscopy modes
Vigan, Langlois, Martinez, Le Mignant, Dohlen, Moutou, Gry, Madec
2012, SPIE, 8446 [ADS, 3 citations]
[14] - Infrared differential imager and spectrograph for SPHERE: performance status with extreme adaptive optics before shipment to ESO/VLT
Langlois, Vigan, Moutou, Dohlen, Costille, Le Mignant, Martinez, Mouillet, Boccaletti, Moeller-Nilsson, Sauvage, Mugnier, Feldt, Gry, Wildi, Beuzit
2012, SPIE, 8447 [ADS, 5 citations]


[13] - IRDIS filters: from design to qualification
Krol, Valette, Torricini, Grèzes-Besset, Dohlen, Le Mignant, Saïsse, Moreaux, Langlois, Moutou, Vigan, Lemarquis
2011, SPIE, 8168 [ADS]


[12] - Comparison of methods for detection and characterization of exoplanets with SPHERE/IRDIS
Vigan, Moutou, Langlois, Mouillet, Dohlen, Boccaletti, Carbillet, Smith, Ferrari, Mugnier, Thalmann
2010, SPIE, 7735 [ADS, 4 citations]
[11] - On-sky results of the ZEUS phasing sensor, closed-loop precision in the context of multi-wavelength measurements
Vigan, Dohlen, Surdej, Yaitskova, Gonte
2010, SPIE, 7733 [ADS]
[10] - Impact of calibration on extrasolar planets direct imaging with IRDIS, the infrared dual-imaging camera and spectrograph for SPHERE
Langlois, Vigan, Dohlen, Moutou, Mouillet, Wildi, Boccaletti
2010, SPIE, 7735 [ADS, 2 citations]
[9] - Optimal method for exoplanet detection by spectral and angular differential imaging
Cornia, Mugnier, Mouillet, Vigan, Eggenberger, Rousset, Boccaletti, Carbillet, Dohlen, Fusco, Carson, Montagnier
2010, SPIE, 7736 [ADS, 2 citations]
[8] - Manufacturing and integration of the IRDIS dual imaging camera and spectrograph for SPHERE
Dohlen, Carle, Madec, Langlois, Le Mignant, Saisse, Vigan, Arthaud, Barette, Benedetti, Blanc, Blanchard, Bon, Castinel, Fabron, Hill, Jaquet, Laurent, Llored, Manzone, Mazzanti, Melkonian, Moreaux, Moutou, Origne, Feldt, Naranjo, Rohloff, Beuzit, Gluck, Mouillet, Puget, Baruffolo, Wildi, Dorn, Finger, Hubin, Kasper, Lizon
2010, SPIE, 7735 [ADS, 2 citations]


[7] - Calibrating SPHERE, the exo-planet imager for the VLT
Wildi, Mouillet, Beuzit, Feldt, Dohlen, Fusco, Petit, Desidera, Gratton, Schmid, Langlois, Vigan, Charton, Claudi, Roelfsema, Baruffolo, Puget
2009, SPIE, 7440 [ADS, 4 citations]


[6] - Preliminary results obtained with the ZEUS phasing sensor within the APE experiment
Surdej, Luong, Vigan, Araujo, Bourtembourg, Brast, Duhoux, Dupuy, Frank, Gonte, Karban, Mazzoleni, Noethe, Yaitskova, Dohlen
2008, SPIE, 7012 [ADS, 1 citation]
[5] - Active Phasing Experiment: preliminary results and prospects
Gonte, Araujo, Bourtembourg, Brast, Derie, Duhoux, Dupuy, Frank, Karban, Mazzoleni, Noethe, Surdej, Yaitskova, Wilhelm, Luong, Pinna, Chueca, Vigan
2008, SPIE, 7012 [ADS, 10 citations]
[4] - The infra-red dual imaging and spectrograph for SPHERE: design and performance
Dohlen, Langlois, Saisse, Hill, Origne, Jacquet, Fabron, Blanc, Llored, Carle, Moutou, Vigan, Boccaletti, Carbillet, Mouillet, Beuzit
2008, SPIE, 7014 [ADS, 196 citations]
[3] - The Software Package SPHERE: a CAOS-based numerical tool for end-to-end simulations of SPHERE/VLT
Carbillet, Boccaletti, Thalmann, Fusco, Vigan, Smith, Mouillet, Dohlen, Bendjoya, Ferrari
2008, SPIE, 7015 [ADS, 9 citations]
[2] - Long slit spectroscopy for exoplanet characterization in SPHERE
Vigan, Langlois, Moutou, Dohlen
2008, SPIE, 7014 [ADS, 2 citations]


[1] - ZEUS: a cophasing sensor based on the Zernike phase contrast method
Dohlen, Langlois, Lanzoni, Mazzanti, Vigan, Montoya, Hernandez, Reyes, Surdej, Yaitskova
2006, SPIE, 6267 [ADS, 15 citations]

Other Conference Proceedings


[35] - Origin of water and life: What astrophysical and instrumental challenges for tomorrow?
Chauvin, Raymond, Mouillet, Berger, Boisse, Choquet, Cottin, Delfosse, Ferrari, Huby, Lacour, Langlois, Leboulleux, Martinache, N'Diaye, Santerne, Vigan, Vinogradoff
2023, SF2A, 285 [ADS]


[34] - The B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study (BEAST): New Wide Orbit Companions
Meyer, Janson, Gratton, Vigan, Bonnefoy, Mamajek, Reffert, Marleau, Langlois, Chauvin, Ringqvist, Mayer, Viswanath, Squicciarini, Samland, helled, Kenworthy, Quanz, Henning, Engler, Dorazo, Meeus
2022, AAS meeting, 54, 408.07 [ADS]
[33] - A Clear View of a Cloudy Brown Dwarf Companion from High-Resolution Spectroscopy
Xuan, Mawet, Wang, Ruffio, Knutson, Kolecki, Mollière, Vigan, Wallack, Wang, KPIC Team
2022, AAS meeting, 54, 102.37 [ADS]


[32] - Submilliarcsecond astrometry of exoplanets and brown dwarfs in high-contrast imaging
Maire, Langlois, Delorme, Chauvin, Gratton, Vigan
2021, SF2A, 129 [ADS, 1 citation]
[31] - A high-resolution search for the Hα emission line of the accreting companion GQ Lup b with ESPRESSO
Houllé, Sedaghati, Figueira, Vigan
2021, EPSC, [ADS]
[30] - Direct imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets with the ELT/HARMONI high-contrast module
Houllé, Vigan, Carlotti, Choquet, Cantalloube, Phillips, Sauvage, Schwartz, Otten, Baraffe, Emsenhuber, Mordasini
2021, EPSC, [ADS]


[29] - Searching for planets in the dustiest debris disk systems with high contrast imaging
Matthews, Hinkley, Vigan, Stapelfeldt, Mawet, Padgett
2020, AAS meeting, 235, 254.02 [ADS]


[28] - Spectroimaging of young planets with ELT-HARMONI
Carlotti, Vigan, Bonnefoy, Houllé, Chauvin, Choquet, Rameau, Thatte
2019, SF2A, Di [ADS]
[27] - Studying the Interior Structure of an Extremely Eccentric Hot Jupiter via Deep VLT Imaging
Hinkley, Vigan, Dong, Rice, Nelson, Carter, Milli, Girard
2019, AAS meeting, 51, 101.07 [ADS]
[26] - Exoplanet direct detection and characterization with the ELT/HARMONI integral field spectrograph
Houllé, Vigan, Carlotti, Choquet, Bonnefoy, Thatte, Neichel
2019, AAS meeting, 51, 330.08 [ADS]
[25] - High-contrast Imaging Study on the Candidate Companions Around the Star AH Lep
Brown Sevilla, Cantalloube, Brandner, Feldt, Henning, Maire, Schlieder, Boccaletti, Bonnefoy, Chauvin, Desidera, D'Orazi, Gratton, Keppler, Lagrange, Langlois, Mesa, Meyer, Samland, Schmidt, Vigan
2019, AAS meeting, 3, 100 [ADS]
[24] - HiRISE: Bringing high-spectral
2019, The Very Large Telescope in 2030, 39 [ADS, 1 citation]


[23] - The SPHERE Data Center: a reference for high contrast imaging processing
Delorme, Meunier, Albert, Lagadec, Le Coroller, Galicher, Mouillet, Boccaletti, Mesa, Meunier, Beuzit, Lagrange, Chauvin, Sapone, Langlois, Maire, Montargès, Gratton, Vigan, Surace
2017, SF2A, Di [ADS, 63 citations]
[22] - The system of HD169142 seen by SPHERE/VLT
Ligi, Vigan, Gratton, de Boer, Benisty, Boccaletti, Quanz, Meyer, Ginski, Sissa, Gry, Henning
2017, SF2A, Di [ADS, 1 citation]
[21] - SHINE, The SpHere INfrared survey for Exoplanets
Chauvin, Desidera, Lagrange, Vigan, Feldt, Gratton, Langlois, Cheetham, Bonnefoy, Meyer
2017, SF2A, Di [ADS, 42 citations]
[20] - Characterising exoplanet atmospheres with SPHERE: the HR 8799 system with Exo-REM and NEMESIS
Baudino, Bonnefoy, Vigan, Irwin
2017, SF2A, Di [ADS, 1 citation]


[19] - K-Stacker, a new way of detecting and characterizing exoplanets with high contrast imaging instruments
Le Coroller, Nowak, Arnold, Dohlen, Fusco, Sauvage, Vigan
2015, AAS meeting, 47, 112.06 [ADS]
[18] - Constraints on the frequency of circumbinary planets in wide orbits
Bonavita, Thalmann, Desidera, Vigan, Chauvin, Biller
2015, AAS meeting, 47, 117.07 [ADS]
[17] - SPHERE extreme AO system On-sky operation, final performance and future improvements
Fusco, Sauvage, Mouilelt, Beuzit, Dohlen, Petit, Beuzit, Suarez, Soenke, Downing, Baudoz, Sevin, Baruffolo, Schmid, Salasnich, Puget, Feautrier, Rochat, Moulin, Hugot, Vigan, Hubin, Puget
2015, AO4ELT, E11 [ADS, 1 citation]
[16] - Low Wind Effect, the main limitation of the SPHERE instrument
Sauvage, Fusco, Guesalaga, Wizinowitch, O'Neal, N'Diaye, Vigan, Girard, Lesur, Mouillet, Buezit, Kasper, Le Louarn, Mlli, Dohlen, Neichel, Bourget, Heigenauer, Mawet
2015, AO4ELT, E9 [ADS]
[15] - SPHERE extreme AO system On-sky operation, final performance and future improvements
Fusco, Sauvage, Dohlen, Mouillet, Girard, Kasper, Costille, Petit, Beuzit, Suarez, Soenke, Downing, Baudoz, Sevin, Garuffolo, Schmid, Salasnich, Puget, Feaurrier, Rochat, Moulin, Hugot, Vigan, Hubin, Puget
2015, AO4ELT, E91 [ADS]


[14] - Performance tests on the SPHERE-IFS
Mesa, Gratton, Claudi, Desidera, Giro, Zurlo, Costille, Vigan, Moutou, Beuzit, Dohlen, Feldt, Mouillet, Sauvage, Kasper, Antichi
2014, IAU Symposium, 299, 54 [ADS, 1 citation]
[13] - Results of the NaCo Large Program: probing the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbit
Vigan, Chauvin, Bonavita, Desidera, Bonnefoy, Mesa, Beuzit, Augereau, Biller, Boccaletti, Brugaletta, Buenzli, Carson, Covino, Delorme, Eggenberger, Feldt, Hagelberg, Henning, Lagrange, Lanzafame, Ménard, Messina, Meyer, Montagnier, Mordasini, Mouillet, Moutou, Mugnier, Quanz, Reggiani, Ségransan, Thalmann, Waters, Zurlo
2014, IAU Symposium, 299, 17 [ADS, 1 citation]
[12] - IRDIS, the dual-band imager camera of SPHERE: testing the performances in laboratory
Zurlo, Vigan, Moutou, Mesa, Gratton, Langlois, Beuzit, Costille, Desidera, Dolhen, Gry, Madec, Le Mignant, Mouillet, Sauvage
2014, IAU Symposium, 299, 78 [ADS, 2 citations]


[11] - Infrared Differential Imager and Spectrograph for SPHERE: Performance Status with Extreme Adaptive Optics before shipment to ESO/VLT
Langlois, Vigan, Moutou, Sauvage, Dohlen, Costille, Mouillet, Le Mignant
2013, AO4ELT, 63 [ADS, 35 citations]
[10] - Final performance of SPHERE/IRDIS in laboratory
Vigan, Langlois, Moutou, Zurlo, Gry, Dohlen, Le Mignant, Madec
2013, EPSC, [ADS]


[9] - AITAS : Assembly Integration Test data Archiving System
Meunier, Madec, Vigan, Nowak, Irdis Team
2012, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI, 461, 655 [ADS]
[8] - Binaries with A-type primaries - A comparison between dynamical masses and theoretical models
De Rosa, Patience, Vigan, Wilson, Schneider, McConnell, Wiktorowicz, Marois, Song, Macintosh, Graham, Bessell, Doyon, Lai
2012, Orbital Couples: Pas de Deux in the Solar System and the Milky Way, 45 [ADS]


[7] - Initial Results From The AO International Deep Planet Search Around Young A Stars
Vigan, Patience, Galicher, Marois, Macintosh, Song, Doyon, Zuckerman, Lafrenière, Barman
2011, AAS meeting, 2, 22.02 [ADS]


[6] - Exoplanet characterization using angular and spectral differential imaging
Vigan, Moutou, Langlois, Allard, Boccaletti, Carbillet, Mouillet, Smith
2010, SF2A, 93 [ADS]
[5] - Dissecting the Moth: Resolving the offset debris ring around HD61005 with VLT/NACO
Buenzli, Thalmann, Boccaletti, Vigan, Augereau, Chauvin, Menard, Carson, Montagnier, Meyer, Lagrange, Mouillet, Desidera, Messina, Covino, Alcala, Lanzafame, Brugaletta, Bonavita, Bonnefoy, Eggenberger, Gratton, Henning, Moutou, Waters, Beuzit
2010, In the Spirit of Lyot, E31 [ADS]
[4] - Photometric characterization of exoplanet using angular and spectral differential imaging in SPHERE/IRDIS
Vigan, Moutou, Langlois, Allard, Boccaletti, Carbillet, Mouillet, Smith
2010, In the Spirit of Lyot, E48 [ADS, 2 citations]
[3] - Direct Detection of Giant Extrasolar Planets with SPHERE on the VLT
Beuzit, Boccaletti, Feldt, Dohlen, Mouillet, Puget, Wildi, Abe, Antichi, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Carbillet, Charton, Claudi, Desidera, Downing, Fabron, Feautrier, Fedrigo, Fusco, Gach, Giro, Gratton, Henning, Hubin, Joos, Kasper, Lagrange, Langlois, Lenzen, Moutou, Pavlov, Petit, Pragt, Rabou, Rigal, Rochat, Roelfsema, Rousset, Saisse, Schmid, Stadler, Thalmann, Turatto, Udry, Vakili, Vigan, Waters
2010, Pathways Towards Habitable Planets, 430, 231 [ADS, 24 citations]


[2] - Exoplanet characterization with long slit spectroscopy in high contrast imaging
Vigan, Moutou, Langlois
2008, SF2A, 81 [ADS]


[1] - Characterizing Extra-Solar Planets with Long Slit Spectroscopy
Vigan, Langlois, Moutou, Dohlen, Boccaletti, Carbillet
2007, In the Spirit of Lyot, 50 [ADS, 1 citation]

Other Publications

[7] - The ESO's Extremely Large Telescope Working Groups
Padovani, Cirasuolo, van der Burg, Cantalloube, George, Kasper, Leschinski, Martins, Milli, Möhler, Neeser, Neichel, Otarola, Sánchez-Janssen, Serra, Smette, Valenti, Verinaud, Vernet, Absil, Agapito, Andersen, Arcidiacono, Arko, Baudoz, Beltramo-Martin, Biancalani, Bierwirth, Burtscher, Carlà, Castro-Almazán, Cheffot, Coccato, Correia, Fetick, Fiorentino, Fusco, García-Lorenzo, Gentile Fusillo, Gonzalez, Grazian, Gullieuszik, Hainaut, Ivanov, Kaasinen, Kaddad, Kamiński, Kausch, Kerber, Kimeswenger, Kokotanekova, Kuznetsov, Lau, Le Louarn, Lemmel, Liske, Lo Curto, Lucsanyi, Lundin, Noll, Oberti, Osborn, Masciadri, Milaković, Murphy, Pedichini, Pereira Santaella, Piazzesi, Piqueras López, Plantet, Prod'homme, Przybilla, Puech, Reid, Reiners, Rijnenberg, Rodrigues, Rossi, Routledge, Smit, Tecza, Thatte, van Boekel, Verma, Vigan
2022, The Messenger, 189, 23 [ADS]
[6] - High-precision Astrometric Studies in Direct Imaging with SPHERE
Maire, Chauvin, Vigan, Gratton, Langlois, Girard, Kenworthy, Pott, Henning, Kervella, Lacour, Rickman, Boccaletti, Delorme, Meyer, Nowak, Quanz, Zurlo
2021, The Messenger, 183, 7 [ADS, 3 citations]
[5] - NEAR: First Results from the Search for Low-Mass Planets in α Cen
Kasper, Arsenault, Käufl, Jakob, Leveratto, Zins, Pantin, Duhoux, Riquelme, Kirchbauer, Kolb, Pathak, Siebenmorgen, Soenke, Fuenteseca, Sterzik, Ageorges, Gutruf, Kampf, Reutlinger, Absil, Delacroix, Maire, Huby, Guyon, Klupar, Mawet, Ruane, Karlsson, Dohlen, Vigan, N'Diaye, Quanz, Carlotti
2019, The Messenger, 178, 5 [ADS, 21 citations]
[4] - Peering through SPHERE Images: A Glance at Contrast Limitations
Cantalloube, Dohlen, Milli, Brandner, Vigan
2019, The Messenger, 176, 25 [ADS, 24 citations]
[3] - Three Years of SPHERE: The Latest View of the Morphology and Evolution of Protoplanetary Discs
Garufi, Benisty, Stolker, Avenhaus, de Boer, Pohl, Quanz, Dominik, Ginski, Thalmann, van Boekel, Boccaletti, Henning, Janson, Salter, Schmid, Sissa, Langlois, Beuzit, Chauvin, Mouillet, Augereau, Bazzon, Biller, Bonnefoy, Buenzli, Cheetham, Daemgen, Desidera, Engler, Feldt, Girard, Gratton, Hagelberg, Keller, Keppler, Kenworthy, Kral, Lopez, Maire, Menard, Mesa, Messina, Meyer, Milli, Min, Muller, Olofsson, Pawellek, Pinte, Szulagyi, Vigan, Wahhaj, Waters, Zurlo
2017, The Messenger, 169, 32 [ADS, 37 citations]
[2] - Gearing up the SPHERE
Kasper, Beuzit, Feldt, Dohlen, Mouillet, Puget, Wildi, Abe, Baruffolo, Baudoz, Bazzon, Boccaletti, Brast, Buey, Chesneau, Claudi, Costille, Delboulbé, Desidera, Dominik, Dorn, Downing, Feautrier, Fedrigo, Fusco, Girard, Giro, Gluck, Gonte, Gojak, Gratton, Henning, Hubin, Lagrange, Langlois, Mignant, Lizon, Lilley, Madec, Magnard, Martinez, Mawet, Mesa, Müller-Nilsson, Moulin, Moutou, O'Neal, Pavlov, Perret, Petit, Popovic, Pragt, Rabou, Rochat, Roelfsema, Salasnich, Sauvage, Schmid, Schuhler, Sevin, Siebenmorgen, Soenke, Stadler, Suarez, Turatto, Udry, Vigan, Zins
2012, The Messenger, 149, 17 [ADS, 21 citations]
[1] - On-sky Testing of the Active Phasing Experiment
Gonté, Araujo, Bourtembourg, Brast, Derie, Duhoux, Dupuy, Frank, Karban, Mazzoleni, Noethe, Sedghi, Surdej, Yaitskova, Luong, Chueca, Reyes, Esposito, Pinna, Puglisi, Quiros Pacheco, Dohlen, Vigan
2009, The Messenger, 136, 25 [ADS, 13 citations]